Friday, May 4, 2012

__________ALL A TO Z EXTENTION FILE___________

A --Library file (Unix)
A Object code library
A3L Authorware 3.x library
A3M Authorware MacIntosh file (unpackaged)
A3W Authorware Windows file (unpackaged)
A4L Authorware 4.x library
A4M Authorware MacIntosh file (unpackaged)
A4P Authorware file (packaged without runtime)
A5L Authorware 5.x library
A5W Authorware Windows file (unpackaged)
AA Audible audio file (commonly used for downloadable audio books)
AAM Authorware shocked file
AAS Authorware shocked packet
AB Applix Builder file
ABF Adobe Binary Screen Font
ABK Corel Draw AutoBackup
ABK Backup file (PrintMaster Gold)
ABM Audio album file (HitPlayer)
ABO Applix Builder Turbo file
ABP Barcode profile file in Alver Valley Software's AVS Barcode Source
ABS Standard GNU compiler output file for a PC platform
ABS Sometimes used to denote an abstract (as in an abstract or summary of a scientific paper) AutoBackup
ABS Absolute Database file format
AC$ AutoCAD Undo Info file
AC3 Dolby Digital audio files used on DVDs
ACA HTTP animation file (Microsoft Agent)
ACA Project Manager Workbench file
ACB ACBM Graphic image
ACC DR-DOS Viewmax file
ACD Sonic Foundry ACID file
ACE ACE Archiver Compression file
ACF HTTP character file (Microsoft Agent)
ACI ACI development appraisal (ACIWEB)
ACL Corel Draw 6 keyboard accelerator file
ACL List file for Microsoft Office
ACM Interplay compressed sound file (Fallout 1,2, Baulder's Gate)
ACM Dynamic Link Library (DLL)
ACM Windows system directory file
ACP Microsoft Office Assistant Preview file
ACR American College of Radiology file
ACS Character structured storage file (Microsoft Agent)
ACT FoxPro Foxdoc Action Diagram
ACT Action Presentation
ACT Microsoft Office Assistant Actor file
ACV Used to Compress and decompress audio data
AD After Dark screensaver
Ada Ada source text file (non-GNAT)
ADB HP 100LX Organizer Appointment database
ADB Ada source text body file (GNAT)
ADB Ability Database file
ADC Scanstudio 16 color Bitmap Graphic file
ADD OS/2 adapter driver file used in the boot process
ADF Amiga disk file
ADI AutoCAD device-independent binary plotter file
ADL QEMM Mca adaptor description library
ADM Windows NT policy template
ADM After Dark MultiModule screensaver (Microsoft)
ADN Lotus 1-2-3 Add-In file
ADP FaxWorks Faxmodem setup file
ADP Astound Dynamite file
ADP Microsoft Access project file
ADR Smart Address address book
ADR After Dark Randomizer screensaver
ADS Ada source text specification file (GNAT)
ADT AdTech Fax file
ADT ACT! document template file
ADX Lotus Approach dBase Index
ADX Archetype Designer Document
ADX Dynazip Active Delivery script
ADZ Packed ADF file (Extracts with WinZip)
AE Author/Editor file (SoftQuad)
AEP ArcExplorer project file
AF2 ABC FlowCharter 2.0 Flowchart
AF3 ABC Flowchart
AFC Apple Sound file
AFI Truevision Bitmap graphic
AFM HP NewWave Cardfile application
AFM Adobe metrics
AG Applix graphic
AI Corel Trace drawing
AI Adobe Illustrator drawing
AIF Audio Interchange File, a sound format used by Silicon Graphics and Macintosh applications
AIFC Similar to AIF (compressed)
AIFF Similar to AIF
AIM AOL Instant Messenger Launch file
AIN AIN Compressed archive
AIO APL Input Output
AIS Velvet Studio Instruments file
AIS Xerox Arry of Intensity Samples Graphic
AIS ACDSee Image Sequence
AIX HP NewWave Cardfile Application data
AKB HaleyAuthority Authority Knowledge Base File
AKW Contains all A-keywords in the RoboHELP Help Project Index Designer not associated with topics
ALAW European Telephony audio
ALB JASC Image Commander album
ALI Document file (SAP proprietary format)
ALIAS Alias Image
ALL WordPerfect for Windows General printer information file
ALL Arts & Letters Library
ALS Alias Image
ALT WordPerfect Library Menu
AM Applix SHELF Macro
AM Advantage database server data dictionary files
AMF DSMIA/Asylum module music (Crusader,No Remorse,Aladdin)
AMF Music file (Advanced Module Format)
AMG ACTOR System image
AMG AMGC Compressed Archive File
AMI Annotation file (Cocreate SolidDesigner)
AMR Adaptive Multi-Rate Codec File
AMS Extreme's Tracker Module
AMS Velvet Studio music module (MOD) File
AMU Sony Photo Album
AN Text file (Sterling Software) (Groundworks COOL Business Team Model)
AN Groundworks text file
ANC Canon Computer Pattern Maker file that is a selectable list of pattern colors
ANI Microsoft Windows Animated cursor
ANM DeluxPaint Animation
ANN Windows 3.x Help annotation
ANS ANSI Text file
ANT SimAnt for Windows saved game
ANT Data file for SFR Calculator (formerly CalcANT)
AOM Adobe Download Manager Online Manager Shortcut
AOM Adobe After Effects Output Settings
AOS Nokia 9000 Add-on software
AOT Applicatio binary object template file (ZenWorks snAPPshot)
AP WHAP Compressed Amiga archive
AP Applix Presents file
APC Lotus 1-2-3 Printer driver
APC Compiled application file (Centura Team Developer)
APD Lotus 1-2-3 Printer driver
APD Dynamic application library file (Centura Team Developer)
APE Winamp Plugins AVS File
APE Monkey's Audio Lossless Audio Compression Format
APF Project file (Allaire) (Created by Homesite)
APF Lotus 1-2-3 Printer driver
API Lotus 1-2-3 Printer driver
API Adobe Acrobat plugin file
APL APL Workspace file
APL Application library file (Centura Team Developer)
APP Symphony Add-in Application
APP Generated application or active document (Microsoft Visual FoxPro)
APP dBase Application Generator Object
APP DR-DOS Executable Application
APP Normal mode application file (Centura Team Developer)
APR Employee Appraiser Performance Review file
APR Lotus Approach 97 View file
APR ArcView project file
APS Advanced patching systems with error checking, (Similar to IPS)
APS Microsoft Visual C++ file
APT Text mode application file (Centura Team Developer)
APT Lotus Approach Data view file
APX Borland C++ Appexpert database
APX Lotus Approach Paradox-Specific information file
AQ Applix data
ARC SQUASH Compressed archive
ARC LH ARC (old version) compressed archive
ARF Automatic Response file
ARF Advanced Recording File (WebEx)
ARI Aristotle audio file
ARI ARI Compressed archive
ARJ Robert Jung ARJ compressed archive (ARJ)
ARK ARC File Archiver CPM/Port archive
ARL AOL v4.0 organizer file
ARR Atari Cubase Arrangement
ART Canon Crayola art
ART Clip Art
ART Ray Tracer file
ART First Publisher Raster graphic
ART AOL Image file compressed using the Johson-Grace compression algorithm
ART Xara Studio drawing
ARX AutoCAD Runtime Extension
ARX ARX Compressed Archive
AS Applix Spreadsheet
ASA Microsoft Visual InterDev file
ASC PGP armored encrypted file
ASC ASCII text file
ASD Lotus 1-2-3 Screen driver
ASD Microsoft Advanced Streaming Format (ASF) description file; opens with NSREX
ASD Astound Presentation
ASD WinWord AutoSave file
ASE Velvet Studio Sample file
ASF Microsoft Advanced Streaming Format
ASF StratGraphics Datafile
ASF Lotus 1-2-3 Screen font
ASF Music file (Electronic Arts)
ASH TASM 3.0 Assembly language header
ASI Borland C++/Turbo C Assembler Include file
ASM Pro/E assembly file
ASM Assembler Language source file
ASO Astound Dynamite Object
ASP Procomm Plus setup and connection script
ASP Astound Presentation
ASP Active Server Page (an HTML file containing a Microsoft server-processed script)
ASRTC AurelloSoft Removal Tool Configuration File
AST Claris Works "assistant" file
AST Astound multimedia file
ASV DataCAD Autosave file
ASX Microsoft Advanced Streaming Redirector file
ASX Video file
ASX Cheyenne Backup script
AT2 Aldus Persuasion 2.0 Auto Template
ATM Adobe Type Manager data/info file
ATT AT&T Group 4 bitmap
ATT Data file commonly used with Web forms
ATW AnyTime Deluxe for Windows personal information manager file from Individual Software MultiModule

AU Audio U-law (pronounced mu-law)
AU Sun/NeXT/DEC/UNIX sound file
AUD Audio file (Westwood Studios) (Kyrandia 3,C&C,RedAlert,C&C:TS)
AUP Audacity project file
AUX ChiWriter Auxilliary Dictionary file
AUX TeX/LaTeX Auxilliary Reference file
AVA Avagio Publication
AVB Inculan Anti-Virus virus infected file
AVG AVG Virus Information Database
AVI Microsoft Audio Video Interleaved file for Windows movie
AVR Audio Visual Research file
AVS Stardent AVS-X Image
AVS Application Visualization System file
AVX File Extension (ArcView)
AW Applix Words file
AW HP AdvanceWrite Text file
AWD FaxView Document image
AWE Acrobat Bookmark XML File
AWK AWK Script/Program
AWM Animation Works Movie
AWR Telsis file for digitally stored audio
AWS StatGraphics Data file
AXL ArcIMS XML project file
AXT ASCII application object template (ZenWorks snAPPshot)
AXX ARJ compressed file from a multi-volume archive (xx = a number from 01 to 99)
IAM Autodesk Inventor assembly file

B BASIC language source file
B_W Atari/Macintosh black and white graphic
B&W 1st Reader Mono binary screen image
B&W Atari/Macintosh black and white graphic
B1N 1st Reader Mono and color binary screen image
B30 ABC Ventura publisher printer font
B4 Helix Nuts and Bolts file
B8 Raw graphic file (Piclab Plane II)
BAD Oracle bad file
BAK Backup file
BAL Ballade Music score
BAND Garageband Project song
BAR dBase Application Generator Horizontal menu object
BAR Game data file used with Age of Mythology and Age of Empires 3
BAS BASIC source code
BAT Batch file
BB Papyrus Database backup
BBL TeX/BibTeX Bibliographic reference file
BBM Deluxe Paint Bitmap image
BBS Bulletin Board Sytem text
BCH Datalex Entry Point 90 Data file
BCH Batch Process Object (dBase Application Generator)
BCM Microsoft Works Communications file
BCO Bitstream Outline font description file
BCP Borland C++ Makefile
BCW Borland C++ 4.5 Environment settings file
BDB Microsoft Works Dababase file
BDF Egret Datafile
BDF West Point Bridge Designer file
BDF Adobe font file
BDR Microsoft Publisher Border
BEZ Bitstream Outline font description
BF2 Bradford 2 Font
BFC Windows 95 Briefcase Document
BFM Font Metrics file (Unix/Mainframe)
BFX Fax document file (BitFax)
BG Microsoft Backgammon Game file
BGA OS/2 Graphic array
BGI Borland Graphics Interface Driver
BGL Microsoft Flight Simulator Scenery file
BHF pcAnywhere Host file
BI Binary file
BIB TeX/BibTeX Literature Database
BIB Database
BIB Bibliography file (ASCII)
BIF Image Capture Board Binary Image black & white graphic
BIF GroupWise initialization file
BIF Boot information file
BIG Electronic Arts Game MOD File
BIN Binary file
BIO OS/2 Bios file
BIT X11 Bitmap
BIT Imported map file used by Worms Armageddon and Worms World Party
BK JetFax Faxbook file
BK Backup file (Generic)
BK! WordPerfect for Windows Document backup
BK$ Backup file (Generic)
BK1 WordPerfect for Windows Timed backup file for document window 1
BK2 WordPerfect for Windows Timed backup file for document window 2
BK3 WordPerfect for Windows Timed backup file for document window 3
BK4 WordPerfect for Windows Timed backup file for document window 4
BK5 WordPerfect for Windows Timed backup file for document window 5
BK6 WordPerfect for Windows Timed backup file for document window 6
BK7 WordPerfect for Windows Timed backup file for document window 7
BK8 WordPerfect for Windows Timed backup file for document window 8
BK9 WordPerfect for Windows Timed backup file for document window 9
BKP TurboVidion Dialog Designer Backup
BKS Microsoft Works Spreadsheet Backup
BKS IBM BookManager Read bookshelf file
BKW FontEdit Fontset mirror image
BLB Resource archive (DreamWorks),(Neverhood)
BLB BLOB file used with various database software
BLD BASIC Bloadable picture file
BLEND Data file for Blender 3D modeling suite.
BLK WordPerfect for Windows Temporary file
BLK Alias Wavefront Image
BM Windows system Bitmap
BM1 Apogee BioMenace data
BMA Song format used by Beatmania emulators
BMF Corel Gallery file
BMF Binary Material File
BMK Windows Help bookmark
BMP Windows or OS/2 bitmap
BN Instrument bank file (AdLib)
BNK Instrument Bank file (AdLib)
BNK Sound effects bank file (Electronic Arts)
BOL Compressed archive library file (Microsoft Booasm.arc)
BOM Bill of materials file
BOO Microsoft Booasm.arc Compressed archive
BOOK Adobe FrameMaker Book
BOX Lotus Notes file
BPC Business Plan Toolkit Chart
BPL Borland Delphi 4 packed library
BPS Microsoft Works Document
BPT CorelDraw Bitmap fills file
BPX Truevision Targa Bitmap
BQY BrioQuery file
BR Bridge Script
BR0 PrintMaster graphics file
BRD Eagle Layout file
BRK Brooktrout Fax-Mail file
BRW Application file associated with financial institution(s) loan applications
BRX A file for browsing an index of multimedia options
BRZ DbBRZ file for very large Db backup or restore
BS_ Microsoft Bookshelf Find Menu shell extension
BS1 Apogee Blake Stone data file
BSA BSARC Compressed archive
BSA Data file used with Bethesda games
BSC Fortran Pwbrmake Object
BSC MS Developer Studio (MSDev) browser information
BSC Apple II Compressed archive
BSP Quake map file
BTM Batch file used by Norton Utilities
BTR Database file (Btrieve 5.1)
BUD Backup disk for Quicken
BUG Bugs and Problems file
BUN CakeWalk Audio Bundle (a MIDI program)
BUP Backup
BUT Buttons! Button definition
BUY Movie data file
BV1 WordPerfect for Windows Overflow file below insert point in document 1
BV2 WordPerfect for Windows Overflow file below insert point in document 2
BV3 WordPerfect for Windows Overflow file below insert point in document 3
BV4 WordPerfect for Windows Overflow file below insert point in document 4
BV5 WordPerfect for Windows Overflow file below insert point in document 5
BV6 WordPerfect for Windows Overflow file below insert point in document 6
BV7 Wordperfect for Windows Overflow file below insert point in document 7
BV8 WordPerfect for Windows Overflow file below insert point in document 8
BV9 WordPerfect for Windows Overflow file below insert point in document 9
BW Silicon Graphics Raw red,green and blue bytes file
BW SGI Black and White image file
BWB Visual Baler Spreadsheet application
BWR Kermit Beware buglist
BWV Business Wave file
BZ Bzip compressed file (Inix)
BZ2 Bzip compressed file (Unix) (replaces Bz)

C Site configuration for Secure Remote (CheckPoint VPN)
C C code
C-- Sphinx C-- Source code
C00 Ventura Publisher Print file
C01 Typhoon wave
C86 Computer Innovation (C86) Source code
CA Telnet Server Initial cache data file
CAB Microsoft cabinet file (program files compressed for software distribution)
CAC dBase IV Executable file
CACHE Shared Cache file
CAD AutoCAD drawing database file
CAG Catalog file (Microsoft Clip Gallery v. 2.x,3.x,4.x)
CAL SuperCalc 4/5 Spreadsheet
CAL Calendar schedule data file
CAL CALS Compressed Bitmap
CAM Casio camera file
CAN Navigator Fax
CAP Compressed music file
CAP Telix Session Capture file
CAP Ventura Publisher Caption
CAR AtHome assistant file
CAS Comma-delimited ASCII file
CAS read-only memory (ROM) file from an Atari Cassette
CAT dBase Catalogue file
CAT Quicken IntelliCharge categorization file
CAT Catalog file format for Advanced Disk Catalog
CB Microsoft clean boot file
CBC CubiCalc Fuzzy Logic System file
CBF Vietcong (game) Pterodon big file
CBI Column binary file (used in IBM mainframe systems)
CBL Cobol Source code
CBM XLib Compiled Bitmap
CBR Comic book or paperback RAR file (decompress with RAR utility)
CBT Generic Computer based training file
CBZ Comic book or paperback ZIP file (decompress with WinZip or similar program)
CC C++ Source code
CC Visual dBASE custom class file
CC3 Close Combat 3 file
CCA cc:mail archive file
CCB Visual Basic Animated Button configuration file
CCC Curtain Call Native bitmap graphic
CCD Elaborate Bytes Clone CD mapfile for creating and reading .img files
CCE Data file (Calendar Creator Plus)
CCF Symphony Communications Configuration file
CCF Multimedia Viewer configuration file used in OS/2
CCH Corel Chart
CCL Intalk Communication Command Language
CCM Lotus CC:Mail "box" file (for example, INBOX.CCM)
CCO XBTX Graphics
CCO CyberChat data file
CCT Macromedia Director Shockwave cast file
CDA CD Audio Track
CDB CardScan Database (CardScan)
CDB TCU Turbo C Utilities Main database
CDB Conceptual model backup file (PowerDesigner)
CDB Clipboard file
CDF Netcdf Graphic file
CDF Microsoft Channel Definition Format
CDFS Compact Disk filing system
CDI Phillips Compact Disk Interactive file
CDK Atari Calamus Document
CDM Visual dBASE custom data module
CDM Conceptual data model file (PowerDesigner Data Architect) (Sybase)
CDM Conceptual model file (PowerDesigner)
CDR Raw Audio-CD data file
CDR Corel Vector Graphic Drawing File
CDR Corel Draw Vector drawing file
CDT CorelDraw Data file
CDT Corel Draw template
CDX Microsoft's Visual Foxpro index
CDX Corel Draw compressed drawing
CE The FarSide Computer Calendar Main CE file
CEF Cruzer encrypted file (used to secure files on Cruzer USB flash drives)
CEG Tempra Show Bitmap graphic
CEL AutoDesk Animator Cel Image
CEL CIMFast Event Language file
CER Certificate file (MIME x-x509-ca-cert)
CEX Caddie Exchange file
CF Imake Configurtion file
CFB Comptons Multimedia file
CFG Configuration file

D2D 2D/3D object file (3-D Fassade Plus)
D64 Commodore 64 emulator disk image
DAA PowerISO Direct-Access-Archive
DAF Digital Anchor data file, a secure database file for the Digital Anchor Database Engine
DAO Windows Registry Backup
DAP Data access page (Microsoft Access 2000)
DAR DVD Architect File
DAT A data file extension used to designate an error message in a inbound internet email message (Microsoft

Exchange Server v 5.0)
DAT WordPerfect Merge Data
DAT Extension used for some MPEG files
DAT Yahoo Messenger archive file
DAT Data file
DB Microsoft Access database file
DBC Microsoft's Visual FoxPro database container file
DBC Database Connect Descriptor File
DBF Enable database (can be opened with Excel 97)
DBF Oracle 8.1.x tablespace file
DBF A dBASE file, a format originated by Ashton-Tate, but understood by Act!, Clipper,FoxPro, Arago, Wordtech,

xBase, and similar database ordatabase-related products.
DBK Schematic backup file (Orcad Schematic Capture)
DBK dBase Database Backup
DBK mobile phone backup files generated by Sony Ericsson PC Suite
DBO Compiled program file (dBase IV)
DBQ Paradox Memo
DBS Microsoft Word printer description file
DBS PRODAS data file
DBS SQL Windows database
DBS Managing Your Money data file
DBT dBase Text Memo
DBV Memo field file (Flexfile 2)
DBW Microsoft Windows 9.x Database file (DataBoss)
DBX Outlook Express mail folder
DBX Microsoft's Visual FoxPro Table file
DBX DataBeam image
DC CAD file (DesignCAD)
DC2 CAD file (DesignCAD)
DC5 DataCAD Drawing
DCA Visual Basic Active designer cache
DCA Document Content Architecture Text file (IBM DisplayWrite)
DCF DRM content format
DCF Primus-DCF file
DCIM Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (image and data)
DCL AutoCAD Dialog Control Language Description file
DCM DCM module
DCP Data CodePage (OS/2)
DCR Shockwave file
DCS Bitmap Graphics (Quark XPress)
DCS Datafile (ACT! Activity file)
DCS Desktop Color Separation file
DCT Database Dictionary file (Clarion Database Developer)
DCT Database SpellCheck Dictionary (Harvard Graphics 3.0-Symphony)
DCT Microsoft's Visual FoxPro database container file
DCU Delphi compiled unit
DCX Fax image (based on PCX)
DCX Macro file
DCX Bitmap Graphics file (Multipage PCX)
DCX Microsoft's Visual FoxPro database container file
DD Compressed Archive (Macintosh DISKDOUBLER)
DDB Bitmap Graphics file
DDF Btrieve or Xtrieve Data Definition File
DDIF Digital Equipment or Compaq file. Used for storing images and their word processing documents
DDP Device Driver Profile (OS/2)
DEB Debug Script (DOS Debug)
DEF Define Module file (3-D Fassade Plus)
DEF C++ definition file
DEF Assembly Header file (Geoworks)
DEF SmartWare II data
DEFI Oracle 7 de-install script
DEM A file with USGS standards for Digital Elevation Models (Vista Pro)
DEM Graphics file (Vista Pro)
DEM Demo file (Descent)
DEP Visual Basic Setup Wizard Dependency file
DER Certificate file
DEV Device Driver
DEWF Macintosh SoundCap/SoundEdit recorded instrument file
DEZ Encrypted zip file (DES Encryption)
DFD Data Flow Diagram Graphic (Prosa)
DFI Outline Font description (Digifont)
DFL Default Program Settings (Signature)
DFM Data Flow Diagram model (Prosa)
DFS Sound File (Delight)
DFV Printing Form value (Microsoft Word)
DGN Microstation95 CAD drawing
DGN Bentley Systems drawing file
DGS Diagnostics Report
DH Dependency Information file (Geoworks)
DHP Graphic file (Dr. Halo II-III PIC Format)
DHS Shadowgrounds Savegame File
DHT Datafile (Gauss)
DIA Diagraph Graphics file (Computer Support Corporation)
DIB Device-independent bitmap
DIC Dictionary file (Lotus Notes, Domino)
DIC Dictionary file
DICM Digital imaging and communications in medicine file (DICOM)
DIF Database file (VisiCalc)
DIF Data Interchange Output file
DIF Text file (Output from Data Interchange Format)
DIF Data Interchange Format spreadsheet
DIG Sound Designer I audio
DIG Digilink file
DIP Graphics file
DIR Dialing Directory (ProComm Plus)
DIR Directory (VAX) (DEC)
DIR Movie (MacroMind Director 4.x)
DIR Macromedia Director file
DIS Distribution file (VAX Mail)
DIS Thesaurus file (CorelDraw)
DIS Ray Tracer file
DIZ Description file (Description in ZIP)
DJS NASCAR Thunder game music file
DJS Data Junction Integration map
DJVU DjVu compressed image file
DKB Graphics file (Ray Traced DKBTrace)
DL Image
DLD Datafile (Lotus 1-2-3)
DLG C++ Dialogue Script
DLL Export/Import Filter (CorelDraw)
DLL Dynamic-link library file
DLS Interactive music architecture (IMA)(Microsoft),(Blood2)
DLS Setup file (Norton DiskLock)
DLS Downloadable sound
DMD Visual dBASE data module
DMF X-Trakker music module (MOD)
DMF Packed Amiga disk image
DMG Macintosh disk image file (copy of contents of a hard disk or CD)
DMO Demo file (Derive)
DMP Dump file (Screen or Memory)
DMS Compressed Archive (Amiga DISKMASHER)
DOB Visual Basic User document
DOC WordStar document
DOC WordPerfect document
DOC Microsoft Word document
DOC DisplayWrite document
DOC Document format (Interleaf)
DOC FrameMaker or FrameBuilder document
DOG Screen Saver file (Laughing Dog Screen Saver)
DOH Dependency Information file (Geoworks)
DOS Network Driver file (PKT_DIS.dos)
DOS Text file (DOS)
DOS External Command file (1st Reader)
DOT Line-Type definition (CorelDraw)
DOT Word Document Template (Microsoft Word for Windows)
DOX Text file (MultiMate 4.x)
DOX User document binary form (Visual Basic)
DOZ Description out of Zip (VENDINFO)
DP Datafile (DataPhile)
DP Calendar file (Daily Planner)
DPL Borland Delphi 3 packed library
DPR Project header (Borland C++)
DPT Publication file (Publish-It!)
DR9 Directory file
DRA Dragon NaturallySpeaking file
DRAW Acorn's object-based vector image
DRC Design rules check report file (Orcad Schematic Capture)
DRG Motion Software Dyno2000 Car Design
DRG VLBI and Tied Array Drudge Tasking Document
DRG AllyCAD file
DRS Display Resource file (WordPerfect for Windows)
DRV Device Driver (Required to make a device function)
DRV Driver file
DRW Lotus Freelance image
DRW Micrografx vector graphics file
DRW Pro/E drawing
DRW Caddie CAD drawing
DS4 Vector Graphics (Micrografx)
DS4 Micrografx Designer Image
DSC Discard file (Oracle)
DSD Database file (DataShaper)
DSF Micrografx Designer v7.x file
DSG DooM saved game
DSK Driver file (Novell Netware)
DSK Project Desktop file (Borland C++/Turbo Pascal)
DSM Digital Sound Module (DSI)
DSM Music module file (DSIK)
DSM Dynamic Studio music module (MOD)
DSN Design (Object System Designer)
DSN Schematic file (Orcad Schematic Capture)
DSN ODBC Data source
DSP Display parameters (Signature)
DSP Graphics Display driver Dr. Halo)
DSP Microsoft Developer Studio project
DSR Driver Resource (WordPerfect for Windows)
DSR Visual Basic Active designer file
DSS Digital Sound file (Digital Soup))
DSS Screensaver file (DCC)
DST Distribution file (PC-RDist, by Pyzzo)
DST Embroidery machines graphic file
DSW Microsoft Developer Studio workspace file
DSW Desktop settings (Borland C++ 4.5)
DSX Visual Basic Active designer binary file
DT_ Data file fork (Macintosh)
DTA Datafile (Turbo C++)
DTA World Bank's STARS data
DTA Data file (EZ-Forms)
DTD |SGML Document Type Definition (DTD) file
DTED Digital terrain elevation data (geographic data format)
DTF Symantec Q&A relational database
DTF Database file (PFS-Questions & Answers)
DTF Database file for ACDSee
DTM Module file (DigiTrakker)
DTP Text Document (Timeworks Publisher 3.x)
DTP Template file (Pressworks)
DTP Desktop layout file (SecurDesk!/SecurDesk! LV)
DUN Microsoft Dial-up Networking Export file
DUP Duplicate Backup
DUS Readiris font dictionary
DV Digital video (MIME)
DVC Datafile (Lotus 1-2-3)
DVF Graphics file associated with camcorders (DV Studio)
DVI Device Independent Document (TeX) (LaTeX)
DVP Device parameter file (AutoCAD)
DVP Desqview Program information (DESQview)
DW2 Drawing file (DesignCAD for Windows)
DWC Compressed Archive (DWC)
DWD DiamondWare digitized file
DWF Drawing Web file (Microsoft WHIP autoCAD reader)
DWF Vector graphic (Autodesk)
DWG AutoCAD drawing, or older Generic CAD drawing file
DWG AutoCAD Drawing
DWH Express Tools log file
DWI Stepfile format for Dance Dance Revolution simulator
DWP Document file (DeScribe)
DWS Workspace file (Dyadic)
DWT Dreamweaver Web Page Template
DX Digital Electric Corporation (DEC) Data exchange file
DXB AutoCAD Drawing Exchange Format file
DXF Drawing Interchange Format (AutoCAD)
DXF Data Exchange File
DXF Drawing Interchange (eXchange) format,a text representation of the binary DWG format
DXN Fax document (Fujitsu dexNet)
DXR Macromedia Director protected (not editable) movie file
DYN Datafile (Lotus 1-2-3)

F Compressed file archive (FREEZE)
F01 Fax document (Perfect Fax)
F06 Dos screen text font (height= 6 pixels)
F07 Dos screen text font (height= 7 pixels)
F08 Dos screen text font (height= 8 pixels)
F09 Dos screen text font (height= 9 pixels)
F10 Dos screen text font (height= 10 pixels)
F11 Dos screen text font (height= 11 pixels)
F12 Dos screen text font (height= 12 pixels)
F13 Dos screen text font (height= 13 pixels)
F14 Dos screen text font (height= 14 pixels)
F15 Dos screen text font (height= 15 pixels)
F16 Dos screen text font (height= 16 pixels)
F2R Linear music module (Farandole)
F3R Blocked music module (Farandole)
F77 Source code file (FORTRAN 77)
F90 FORTRAN file
F96 Fax document (Frecom FAX96)
FAC Face graphic
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions document
FAR Music module (MOD) (Farandole Composer)
FAS Basic module file (3-D Fassade Plus)
FAS AutoCAD Fastload Auto LISP file
FAV Navigation bar (Microsoft Outlook)
FAX FAX Type image
FBK Backup (Microsoft Dynamics NAV, formerly Navison Financials)
FC Spell Check dictionary file (Harvard Graphics)
FCD Virtual CD-ROM file
FCM Binary file patch (Forward Compression)
FD Field offsets for compiler (DataFlex)
FD Declaration file (FORTRAN)
FDB Database (Navison Financials)
FDB Firebird database file
FDF Forms Document (Adobe Acrobat)
FDW Document form (F3 Design and Mapping)
FEB Button Bar for Figure Editor (WordPerfect for Windows)
FEM CADRE Finite Element Mesh
FES Topicscape file for fileless exports to Windows
FF Outline Font description (AGFA CompuGraphics)
FFA MS find fast file
FFF GUS PnP bank file
FFF Fax document (defFax)
FFL Image file (PrintMaster Gold)
FFL MS fast find file
FFO MS fast find file
FFT Final Form Text (part of IBM's DCA)
FFX MS fast find file
FH3 Aldus Freehand 3 drawing (Vector graphic)
FH4 Aldus Freehand 4 drawing (Vector graphic)
FH9 Macromedia Freehand 9 graphic file
FI File Interface (FORTRAN)
FIF Fractal Image
FIL File List Object (dBase Application Generator)
FIL Overlay (WordPerfect for Windows)
FIL File template (Application Generator)
FILE AS/400 physical file
FILE Generic extension applied to a file lacking a valid extension
FIN Print formatted text (Perfect Writer)
FIT File index table (Microsoft Windows NT)
FIT Graphic (FITS)
FITS Flexible Image Transport System file
FITS CCD camera image
FIX Patch file (Generic)
FKY Macro (Microsoft FoxPro)
FLA Movie (Macromedia Flash)
FLAC Free Lossless Audio Compression file
FLB Format library (Papyrus)
FLC FLIC animation (AutoDesk)
FLD Field define module file (3-D Fassade Plus)
FLD File folder (Charisma)
FLF License (Navison Financials)
FLF Driver (OS/2)
FLF Delived form (Corel Paradox)
FLI Font library (EmTeX)
FLI FLIC animation (AutoDesk)
FLL Distributable dynamic link library (DLL) (Microsoft Visual FoxPro)
FLM Film Roll (AutoCAD)
FLO FlowCharter file (MicroGrafx)
FLP Family Lawyer Saved Document
FLP FlipAlbum File
FLP Floppy Disk Image File
FLP Fractal Explorer Fractal Landscape Project
FLP GIFLine V1.0
FLP Promethean ACTIVboard file
FLP Corel Flow Project Flow Chart
FLS Filelist document (Farrukh Imposition Publisher)
FLS ArcView GIS help file
FLT Filter (Corel)
FLT Filter (Micrografx Picture Publisher)
FLT Graphics filter support file (Asymetrix ToolBook)
FLT Music module (MOD) (StarTrekker)
FLT Open Flight file (MulitGen)
FLT Graphics filter (Microsoft)
FLT Adobe Illustrator and PageMaker filter file
FLV Macromedia Flash Video file
FLW Kivio flowchart file
FLX Compiled binary file (DataFlex)
FM FrameMaker Document (Adobe)
FM Spreadsheet (FileMaker Pro)
FM1 Spreadsheet (Lotus 1-2-3, version 2.x)
FM3 Spreadsheet (Lotus 1-2-3, version 3.x)
FM3 Device driver (Harvard Graphics, version 3.0)
FMB File Manager button bar (WordPerfect for Windows)
FMB Binary source code for form, (Oracle, v4.x and later)
FMF Font or Icon (IBM LinkWay)
FMK MakeFile (FORTRAN PowerStation)
FML Mirror list (Oracle)
FMO Compiled format (dBase IV)
FMP Database file (FileMaker Pro)
FMT Print file (Microsoft Schedule+)
FMT Style sheet (Sprint)
FMT Format file (Microsoft Visual FoxPro)
FMT Text format for form file (Oracle, v4.x and later)
FMX Executable form, (Oracle,v4.x and later)
FN3 Font (Harvard Graphics)
FNC Fixed neighbors constraint file in RMC++ application
FNC Functions file in a neural network application
FND Saved Search (Find applet) (Microsoft Explorer)
FNG Font group (Font Navigator)
FNK Module (FunkTracker)
FNT Font (Microsoft Windows)
FNX Inactive font (Exact)
FO1 Font (Borland Turbo C)
FO2 Font (Borland Turbo C)
FOG Fontographer font
FOL Saved message folder (1st Reader)
FOLDER Windows Explorer folder file
FOLDER Mac folder extension file
FON Call log (Procomm Plus)
FON System font (Generic)
FON Dialing directory (Telix)
FON Font (Generic)
FOR Form (WindowBase)
FOR FORTRAN source code
FOT Installed TrueType font (Microsoft Windows Font Installer)
FOT Font-related file (Generic)
FP FileMaker Pro file
FP Configuration file (FoxPro)
FP1 "Flying Pigs" screensaver datafile (Microsoft Windows 9.x)
FP3 FileMaker Pro v.3 & 4 document file
FP5 Document file (FileMaker Pro v.5)
FPC Catalog file (FoxPro)
FPT Memo fields (Microsoft FoxPro)
FPT FileMaker Pro file
FPW Floorplan drawing (FloorPlan Plus for Windows)
FPX Bitmap (FlashPix)
FR3 Renamed dBaseIII+ form (dBase IV)
FRF Font (FontMonger)
FRG Uncompiled report (dBase IV)
FRK Zip (compressed ) file (Macintosh)
FRM Document (FrameMaker or FrameBuilder)
FRM Executable file (Oracle,v3.0 and earlier)
FRM Form (Visual Basic)
FRM Merge form (WordPerfect for Windows)
FRM Symbol Report (DataCAD)
FRM Form (Generic)
FRM MySQL table formatting file
FRO Compiled report (dBase IV)
FRP Form (PerForm PRO Plus)
FRS Screen Font Resource (WordPerfect for Windows)
FRT Report menu (FoxPro)
FRX Report (Microsoft FoxPro)
FRX Form stash file (Visual Basic)
FSF fPrint Audit Tool
FSL Form (Paradox for Windows)
FSL Saved form (Corel Paradox)
FSL Paradox 7 form (Borderland)
FSM Sample file (Farandoyle)
FST Linkable program (dBFast)
FSX Data (Lotus 1-2-3)
FT Full text index (Lotus Notes)
FTB Index file (Roots3)
FTF Client access data specification file (AS/400) (Client to Server)
FTG Help system full-text search group file (Microsoft Windows)
FTM Font (MicroGrafx)
FTP File transfer protocol (Internet Generic)
FTS Help system full-text search index (Windows)
FTW Document file (Family Tree Maker)
FW Database (Framework II)
FW2 Database (Framework II)
FW3 Database (Framework III)
FW4 Database (Framework IV)
FWB Data file backup for file splitting configuration (FileWrangler)
FWP Microsoft FrontPage Web package (archive format for Web site content)
FWS Data file for file splitting configuration (FileWrangler)
FX On-Line guide (FastLynx)
FXD Phonebook (FAXit)
FXP Compiled source code (FoxPro)
FXS Fax Transmit graphic (WinFax)
FZB Bank dump file (Casio FZ-1)
FZF Full dump file (Casio FZ-1)
FZV Voice dump file (Casio FZ-1)
HIV Windows NT Registry Hive

G Data chart (APPLAUSE)
G721 Raw CCITT G.721 //$bit ADPCM data
G723 Raw CCITT G.723 3 or 5bit ADPCM data
G8 Raw Graphics (one byte per pixel) Plane III (PicLab)
GAL Album (Corel Multimedia Manager)
GAM Fax document (GammaFax)
GB Emulator ROM image file (Nintendo GameBoy)
GBC Color emulator ROM image file (Nintendo GameBoy)
GBL Global file
GBL Global definitions (VAXTPU Editor)
GBM Genie Backup Manager file
GC1 Lisp source code (Golden Common Lisp 1.1)
GC3 Lisp source code (Golden Common Lisp 1.1)
GCD Generic (TM) CADD drawing (earlier versions)
GCP Image processing file (Ground Control Point)
GDB Database file (InterBase)
GDF Dictionary file (GEOS)
GDM Bells, whistles, and sound boards module
GED Graphic Environment Document (drawing)
GED Graphics editor file (EnerGraphics)
GED Genealogical data (GEDCOM)
GEM Vector graphics (Ventura Publisher)
GEM Metafile (GEM)
GEN Compiled template (dBase Application Generator)
GEN Arcview ARC/info UnGenerate file format
GEO Geode (Geoworks)
GetRight Unfinished-Download (GetRight)
GFB Compressed gif image (GIFBLAST)
GFI Graphics Link presentation (Genigraphics)
GFT Font (NeoPaint)
GFX Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation
GHO Symantec ghost image file
GHS Symantec ghost segment file (automatically spanning files over 2 GB in size)
GIB Chart (Graph-in-the-Box)
GID Windows 95 global index (containing help status)
GIF Bitmap (CompuServe)
GIM Graphics Link presentation (Genigraphics)
GIW Presentation (Graph-in-the-Box for Windows)
GIX Graphics Link presentation (Genigraphics)
GKH Ensoniq EPS family disk image
GKS GripKey document (Gravis)
GL Animation file (GRASP graphical System for Presentation)
GLB Microsoft Exchange Server resynchronization file
GLB Textured 3-D scene file format
GLM Datafile (Glim)
GLS Datafile (Across)
GLY Glossary (Microsoft Word)
GMP Tile map (Geomorph) (SPX)
GMP Majesty Savegame File
GMR Graphical monitor record (Schlafhorst Automation)
GNA Graphics Link presentation (Genigraphics)
GNO Genealogy document file (Genopro)
GNT Generated executable code (Micro Focus)
GNX Graphics Link presentation (Genigraphics)
GOC Goc sorce code (Geoworks)
GOH Goc header (Geoworks)
GP Geode parameter file (Geoworks Glue)
GP Haskell language file
GP3 Guitar Pro 3 file
GPH Graph (Lotus 1-2-3/G)
GPK Program package (Omnigo)
GPP Graph paper application file (GraphPap) (Generates graph paper)
GPX GPS eXchange Format file
GR2 Screen driver (Microsoft Windows 3.x)
GRA Datafile (SigmaPlot)
GRA Graph (Microsoft)
GRB Shell Monitor (MS-DOS v5.0)
GRD Image processing grid file (CHIPS)
GRF Graph (Charisma Graph Plus)
GRF Microsoft GraphEdit graph
GRM VISUAL EPR Input Data for FIntGraf
GRM Minos File
GRP Pictures group (PixBase)
GRP Program Manager Group (Microsoft)
GRY Raw graphic (GREY)
GS1 Presentation (GraphShow)
GSD Vector graphic (Professional Draw)
GSM Audio stream Raw 'byte aligned (GSM 6.10 audio stream)
GSM GSM w.o. header/VoiceGuide/RapidComm file (US Robotics voice modems)
GSM GSM w. header/QuickLink file (US Robotics voice modems)
GSM Audio stream Raw GSM (6.10 audio stream)
GSP Zip file (Gnuzip) (Allows for output to html)
GSP Sketch pad file (GeoMeter Sketch Pad)
GSW Worksheet (GraphShow)
GT2 Music module (Graoumftracker) (new) (MOD)
GTH IBM Gatherer file
GTH Lotus Domino document manager file
GTK Music module (Graoumftracker) (old) (MOD)
GUP Data (PopMail)
GVL RCL Software Gravel (astronomy simulator) file
GVP Google Video Pointer
GWI Novell GroupWise file
GWP Greetings WorkShop (now Microsoft Picture It) file
GWX Graphics Link presentation (Genigraphics)
GWZ Graphics Link presentation (Genigraphics)
GXL Graphics library (Genus)
GZ Compressed file (Unix gzip)

H Program header (C)
H-- Header file (Sphinx C--)
H! On-line Help (Flambeaux Help!)
H++ Header file (C++)
HA Compressed archive (HA)
HAM Vector graphics saved file (Amiga)
HAM Driver file (Novell Netware)
HAP Compressed archive (HA)
HBI Handy Backup file
HBK Accounting data file (Humanic Software)
HBK Handbook (MathCad)
HCM Configuration file (IBM HCM)
HCOM Sound Tools file (HCOM)
HCR Production configuration file (IBM HCD/HCM)
HCVM Hypercosm's Teleporter file for navigable 3D models
HDF Help file (Help development kit)
HDF Hierarchical Data Format file
HDF Amiga Hardfile Image
HDF Procomm Plus Alternate Download file listing
HDF National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) Geospatial Hierarchical Data
HDL Alternate download listing (ProComm Plus)
HDR Datafile (Egret)
HDR Message header text (ProComm Plus)
HDR Message header text (1st Reader)
HDR Database header (Pc-File+)
HDW Vector graphics (Harvard Draw)
HDX Help index (Zortech C++)
HDX Help index (AutoCAD)
HED Document (HighEdit)
HEL Hellbender saved game (Microsoft)
HEX Macintosh BinHex 2.0 file
HFI HP font info (GEM)
HGL Drawing file (HP Graphics Language)
HH Header file (C++)
HH Help system map (Generic)
HHF Hand Held file. Used by utilities to read meter data.
HHH Precompiled header (Power C)
HHP Help information for remote users (ProComm Plus)
HIT Audio file (HitPlayer)
HIV TiANWEi RegShot Registry Hive File
HIV W32/SillyFDC-AS (worm)
HLB Help library (VAX)
HLP Windows Help file
HLP Help file (Generic)
HMI Human machine interfaces MIDI music file (Descent)
HMM Alternate mail read option menu (ProComm Plus)
HMP Human machine interfaces MIDI music file (Descent)
HNC Program files (CNC)
HOG Mission file (Descent 1-2)
HOG Main data package file (Descent3)
HOG Lucas Arts Dark Forces WAD file
HOT Document file for eFax Manager (formerly HotSend)
HP8 Ascii text Roman8 character set (NewWave Write)
HPC Font language file (Hewlett-Packard)
HPF Partial download file (HotLine)
HPF HP LaserJet font (Adobe Pagemaker)
HPG HPGL Plotter vector graphics (Harvard Graphics)
HPG HPGL Plotter vector graphics (AutoCAD)
HPI Font information (GEM)
HPJ Help Project file (Visual Basic)
HPK Compressed archive (HPACK)
HPM Alternative menu for privileged users (ProComm Plus)
HPM Emm text (HP NewWave)
HPP Header file (Zortech C++)
HPP Program header (C++)
HQX BinHex (Macintosh 4.0)
HRF Rastor graphic (Hitachi)
HRM Alternate menu for limited users (ProComm Plus)
HS2 Monochrome image (Postering)
HSC FM synthesized music file (Used by many old games, e.g.:FINTRIS, ROL)
HSI Graphic (Handmade Software, Inc.)
HSK Huskey Truss & Building Supply file type created for import function to point-of-sale program.
HST History file (ProComm Plus)
HST History file (Generic)
HT HyperTerminal file
HTA HTML executable file
HTC HTML Component
HTM A Web page (a file containing Hypertext Markup Language - HTML - markup)
HTML A Web page (a file containing Hypertext Markup Language - HTML - markup)
HTT Hypertext template (Microsoft)
HTX Template (Extended HTML)
HWD Presentation (Hollywood)
HWP Korean word processor document format (HanGul)
HXM Alternate protocal selection menu (ProComm Plus)
HXM HAM extension (Descent2)
HXX Header file (C++)
HY1 Hyphenation algorythm (Ventura Publisher)
HY2 Hyphenation algorythm (Ventura Publisher)
HYC Datafile (WordPerfect for Windows)
HYD Hyphenation dictionary (WordPerfect for Windows)
HYM 3D Image binary file (Hymarc Scandata Scanner)
HYP Compressed archive (HYPER)

I Intermediate file (Borland C++)
I00 WinShrink File (I-zero-zero. Usually followed with 1 or more .i0x files, and .md5 file)
IAN Text file (Sterling Software) (Groundworks COOL Business Team Model)
IAX Bitmap (IBM Image Acess eXecutive)
IBM Compressed archive (ARCHDOS, IBM Internal only)
ICA Bitmap graphic (Image Object Content Architecture)
ICA Citrix file
ICB Targa bitmap
ICC Catalog file (IronClad)
ICC International Color Consortium profile file
ICD SafeDisc encrypted program file
ICL Icon Library (Generic industry standard)
ICM Image Color Matching profile
ICN Icon source code
ICO Icon (Microsoft Windows 3.x)
ICS Scene file (IronClad)
ID Lotus Notes identification file
IDB Intermediate file (Microsoft Developer)
IDD MIDI Instrument Definition
IDE Project file (Borland C++ v4.5)
IDE Autodesk Inventor ifeatures file
IDF MIDI Instrument Definition (Windows 95 required file)
IDIF Identification file (Netscape saved address book)
IDL OMG Interface Definition Language (IDL) file
IDQ Cognos Impromptu Query Definition
IDW Vector graphic (IntelliDraw)
IDW Autodesk Inventor schematic drawing file
IDX Microsoft Outlook Express file
IDX Index file (Microsoft Clip Gallery v. 1.x)
IDX Index file (Pro/Engineer)
IDX Relational database index (Microsoft FoxPro)
IFD Adobe Output Designer forms definition source file
IFD Form (JetForm Design)
IFF Image (Sun TAAC/SDSC Image Tool)
IFF Interchange file (Quickbooks for Windows)
IFO Graphic object layer data (ImageForge Pro)
IFO Digital Video Disk (DVD) datafile
IFP Script file (KnowledgeMan)
IFS System file (OS/2)
IFS Create executable library (ImageForge/ImageForge Pro)
IFS Compressed fractal image (Yuvpak)
IGES Initial Graphics Exchange Specification (Generic)
IGF Metafile (Inset Systems)
IGs Initial Graphics Exchange Specification (Generic)
IIF Interchange file (QuickBooks for Windows)
IIM Music module
ILB Datafile (Scream Tracker)
ILBM Bitmap (graphic image)
ILK Program outline (Microsoft ILink incremental linker)
IM8 Raster graphic (Sun Microsystems)

J62 Ricoh camera format file
JAD Java Application Descriptor file
JAR Java ARchive (a compressed file containing a package of Java application-related files)
JAS Graphic (Generic)
JAVA Source code (Java)
JBD Datafile (SigmaScan)
JBF Image browser file (Paint Shop Pro)
JBX Project file (Project Scheduler 4.0)
JCP Java Community Process file
JCW Java Callable Wrapper file
JDF Job Description File (proposed XML-based standard for end-to-end job ticket specification)
JFF JPEG image
JIF JPEG image
JMG Laservision projection graphics file
JMP Discovery chart-to-statistics (SAS JMP)
JN1 Jill of the Jungle data (Epic MegaGames)
JNB Workbook file (Sigma Plot 5)
JNT Microsoft Windows Journal notes
JOB Vector graphics file created by conversion of a IMG file (QuestVision)
JOR Journal (Microsoft SQL Server)
JOU Journal backup (VAX Edt editor)
JPC Graphic (Japan PIC)
JPE JPEG image
JPEG JPEG compressed bitmap
JPG JPEG bitmap
JPG2 JPEG 2000 image (bitmap) file
JS JavaScript source code
JSD Jet Suite document (eFAX)
JSM Gray Design Associates Jigsaws Galore Jigsaw File
JSM Steamboat Software Jig ShapeMap
JSM Freedom Scientific JAWS for Windows Script Message File
JSP A HTML page containing a reference to a Java servlet
JT Open CAD file
JTF Fax document (Hayes JT Fax)
JTF Bitmap graphic (JPEG Tagged Interchange Format)
JTF JPEG bitmap
JTK Java ToolKit file (Sun Microsystems)
JTP Windows Journal templates
JW Text document (JustWrite)
JWL Library (JustWrite)
JXX C++ Header File
JZZ Spreadsheet (Jazz)

K25 Sample file (Kurzweil 2500)
KAR MIDI file (text+MIDI) (Karaoke)
KB Program source code (Knowledge Pro)
KB Keyboard script (Borland C++ 4.5)
KBD Keyboard mapping script (Procomm Plus, LocoScript, Signature)
KBM Keyboard mapping script (Reflection 4.0)
KCL Lisp source code (Kyoto Common Lisp)
KDB KeePass password management database file
KDC Image (Kodak Photo-Enhancer)
KEY Datafile (Forecast Pro)
KEY Keyboard Macro
KEY Security file (Such as a software registration number)
KEY Icon toolbar (DataCAD)
KFX Image (KoFax Group 4)
KIZ Digital postcard (Kodak)
KKW Contains all K-keywords in the RoboHELP Help project Index Designer not associated with topics
KMD Knowledge model, data
KML Google Earth Placemark file
KML Emu48 Emulator Keyboard Configuration File
KMP KeyMaP (Korg Trinity)
KMS Knowledge model, shortcut
KMV Knowledge model, visual
KMZ Google Earth Saved Working Session file
KOS MicroType Pro document
KPL Kids Programming Language
KPP Toolpad (SmartPad)
KPS Bitmap graphic (IBM KIPS)
KQP Native Camera file (Konica)
KR1 Sample (multi-floppy) file (Kurzweil 2000)
KRZ Sample file (Kurzweil 2000)
KSF Stepfile format of several Pump It Up simulators
KSF Sample File (Korg Trinity)
KYB Keyboard mapping (FTP)
KYE Game data (Kye)

L Source code (Lisp)
L Linker directive file (WATCOM wlink)
L Source code (Lex)
LAB Label file (Visual dBase)
LAB Mailing labels (Microsoft Excel)
LAB Datafile (NCSS-SOLO)
LAN Loadable module (LAN DLL) (NetWare)
LAW Electronic form file from eLaw Publishing.
LAY Clipart file (Printmaster Gold)
LAY Word Chart layout (APPLAUSE)
LBG Label generator data (dBase IV)
LBL Label (Clipper 5)
LBL Label (dBFast)
LBL Label (dBase IV)
LBM Linear Bitmap graphics (XLib)
LBM Bitmap (DeluxePaint)
LBO Compiled label (dBase IV)
LBR Display driver (Lotus 1-2-3)
LBR Compressed archive (LU)
LBT Labels (Microsoft FoxPro)
LBX Labels (Microsoft FoxPro)
LCF Linker control file (Norton Guides compiler)
LCH Used in a program (unknown) that monitors a network's response time
LCK Lockfile (Paradox)
LCL Datafile (FTP)
LCN Lection document (WordPerfect for Windows)
LCS Data History file (ACT!)
LCT Loader Control File In Oracle Applications Environment
LCW Spreadsheet (Lucid 3-D)
LD Long distance area codes file (Telix)
LD1 Overlay file (dBase)
LDB Lock file (Microsoft Access)
LDF Library definition file (Geoworks Glue)
LDF Microsoft SQL Server log file
LDIF Structured text file used for sharing information between E-Mail clients
LDL Library (Corel Paradox)
LDS LOUDNESS Sound System File
LDT Loader Data File in Oracle Applications Environment
LEG Legacy document
LEMON Renamed RAR compressed archive file
LES System game profiles (same as REG file) (Logitec Entertainment)
LET Genesis 2000 mortgage application file
LET Letter (generic)
LET Unknown photo image
LET Broderbund CreataCard Letterhead file
LEV Level file (NetHack 3.x)
LEX Dictionary file (Generic)
LFD Data resource file (LucasArts Dark Forces)
LFP LaserForms Plus file (Evergreen)
LFT Laser printer font (ChiWriter)
LFT Loft file (3-D Studios) (DOS)
LG Logo procedure definition (LSRHS Logo)
LGC Application log file
LGD Application log file
LGO Header and footer logo (SuperFax)
LGO Startup logo (Microsoft Windows 3.x-9.x)
LGO Logo file (PaintBrush)
LHA Compressed Archive (LHA/LHARC)
LHA Alternate file suffix for LZH
LHW Compressed Amiga archive (LHWARP)
LIB Library file (Generic)
LIF Compressed archive (Generic)
LIF Logical Interchange data (Hewlett-Packard)
LIM Compressed archive (LIMIT)
LIN Interactive music sequencing data file (Electronic Arts)
LIN Line type file (DataCad)
LIS Listing (VAX)
LIS Output file produced by a Structured Query Reporting (SQR) program
LIT eBook file for Microsoft Reader
LIX Logos library system file
LJ Text file (Hewlett-Packard LaseJet II printer)
LK Database file (OpenSight-16 bit)
LKO Linked object (Microsoft Outlook Express Junkmail file)
LL3 Document file (LapLink III)
LLX Exchange agent (Laplink)
LNK Linker response file (RTLink)
LNK Datafile (Revelation)
LNK Shortcut file (Microsoft Windows 9.x)
LNT LiveNote Transcript file
LOD Load file (Generic)
LOG Log file (Generic)
LOK Compressed file (FileWrangler)
LP A document reader used for downloading mortgage closing information (DesertDocs)
LPC Printer driver (TEKO)
LPD Helix Nuts and Bolts file
LPI Information file for laser printers (common with some scanning sofware)
LRC Video phone file (Intel)
LRC Lyrics file used by music game emulators
LRF Linker response file (Microsoft C/C++)
LRF Line Rider custom font file
LRS Language resource file (WordPerfect for Windows)
LSF Logos library system file
LSL Script library (Lotus)
LSL Saved library (Corel Paradox)
LSP AutoLISP, CommonLISP, and other LISP language files
LSS Spreadsheet (Legato)
LST Keyboard macro (1st Reader)
LST SAS text output
LST Spool file (Oracle)
LST List file (Generic)
LTM Form (Lotus Forms)
LU Library unit file (ThoughtWing)
LVL Miner Descent/D2 Level extension (Parallax Software)
LWA Lightwave Scene (version 6 and up)
LWD Text document (LotusWorks)
LWF Wavelet graphics file (Luratech)
LWLO Layered Object file (Lightwave)
LWO Lightwave Object (version 6 and up)
LWOB Object file (Lightwave)
LWP Wordpro 96/97 file (Lotus)
LWSC Scene file (Lightwave)
LWZ Linguistically enhanced sound file (Microsoft)
LYR Layer file (DataCAD)
LZD Difference file for binaries (Ldiff 1.20)
LZH Compressed archive (LH ARC)
LZS Data file (Skyroads)
LZS Compressed archive (LARC)
LZW Compressed Amiga archive (LHWARP)
LZX Compressed archive (Generic)

M Macro module (Brief)
M Standard package (Mathematica)
M Program file (Matlab)
M_U Hard Drive Boot sector backup (MazeGold)
M11 Text file (MASS11)
M1U Pocket TV (PDA) file
M1V MPEG-related file (MIME type 'mpeg')
M2P Canopus MPEG-2 video file
M3 source code file (Modula 3)
M3D 3D animation (Corel Motion)
M3U MPEG URL (MIME audio file) (MP3 Playlist)
M4 M4 Preprocessor file (Unix)
M4A Protected AAC audio file (possibly from iTunes Music Store)
M4A Unprotected AAC audio file
M4B MPEG-4 Audio Layer Bookmarkable File
M4P MPEG-4 Video File
M4V MPEG-4 video file
MA3 Macro (Harvard Graphics 3.0)
MAC Macro (Generic)
MAC Image (MacPaint)
MAD Module (Microsoft Access)
MAF Form (Microsoft Access)
MAG MAG graphics format created by Woody Lynn (MPS Magro Paint System)
MAG A graphics format found in some Japanese files
MAGIC Configuration file (Magic Mail Monitor)
MAI Mail (VAX)
MAK Makefile (Generic)
MAK Project (Visual Basic or Microsoft C++)
MAM Macro (Microsoft Access)
MAN Command module (Unix)
MAN Manual page output (Unix)
MAP Quake Engine game file
MAP Color pallette (Generic)
MAP Format data (Micrografx Picture Publisher)
MAP Linker map file
MAP Map file used for color choices (Pro/Engineer)
MAP Map file (Atlas MapMaker)
MAP Network map (ArcView)
MAP Map file (Generic)
MAQ Query (Microsoft Access)
MAR Assembly program (VAX Macro)
MAR Report (Microsoft Access)
MAS Graphics file (Lotus Freelance Smartmaster)
MAT Table (Microsoft Access)
MAT Binary file (Matlab)
MAUD Sample format (Maud)
MAX Document (Paperport)
MAX Layout file (OrCad)
MAX Source code (MAX)
MAX 3D scene (Kinetix 3D Studio Max)
MAZ A format use by Division's dVS/dVISE
MAZ Maze data file (Hover)
MB Memo field values for database (Paradox)
MB AutoDesk Maya binary scene file
MB1 Data file (Apogee Monster Bash)
MBK Multiple index archive (dBase IV)
MBOX Mailbox file (Berkeley Unix)
MBX Extension Microsoft Outlook adds to saved email, Eudora mailboxes
MCC Configuration file (MathCad)
MCC Calling card (Dialer10)
MCD Document (MathCad)
MCF Magic control file
MCF Media Container Format file
MCI Command script (Media Control Interface)
MCP Application script (Capsule)
MCP Printer driver (MathCad)
MCP Project file (Metrowerks CodeWarrior)
MCR Keyboard macro file (DataCad)
MCW Text document (MacWrite II)
MCW Document (Microsoft Word for Macintosh)
MD Compressed archive (MDCD)
MDA Workgroup (Microsoft Access version 2)
MDA Add-in file (Microsoft Access)
MDB Database (Microsoft Access)
MDE MDE file (Microsoft Access)
MDF Adobe Output Designer and Central Pro Server Compiled Forms Definition
MDF disk image file
MDI Office Document Imaging file
MDI Microsoft Digital Imaging Format file
MDI MIDIsequention Sound file
MDI Borland Multiple Document Interface file
MDL Music module (MOD) (Digital Trakker)
MDL Model (3D Design Plus)
MDL Model file (Quake)
MDL Model file element (Rational Rose)
MDL WarCraft 3 model
MDM Modem definition (Telix)
MDN Blank database template (Microsoft Access)
MDT Add-in file (Data) (Microsoft Access)
MDT Data table (Microsoft ILink incremental linker)
MDW Workgroup (Microsoft Access)
MDX Multiple index file (dBase IV)
MDZ Wizard template (Microsoft Access)
ME ASCII text document (Generic)
MEB Macro editor bottom overflow library (WordPerfect for Windows)
MED Macro editor delete save file (WordPerfect for Windows)
MED Music module (MOD) (OctaMed Music Editor)
MEM Memory variable save file (Clipper)
MEM Memory variable save file (dBase IV)
MEM Memory variable save file (Microsoft FoxPro)
MEM Macro editor macro (WordPerfect for Windows)
MEQ Macro editor print queue file (WordPerfect for Windows Library)
MER Macro editor resident area (WordPerfect for Windows Library)
MER Format for interchanging spreadsheet/database data; recognized by Filemaker, Excel, and others
MES Message file (Generic)
MES Macro editor workspace file (WordPerfect for Windows)
MET Macro editor top overflow file (WordPerfect for Windows Library)
MET Document file (OmniPage Pro)
MET Presentation Manager metafile
MET Cached information file used by eMule and eDonkey
MEU Menu group (DOS Shell)
MEX Macro editor expound file (WordPerfect for Windows)
MEX Executable command (Matlab)
MF Metafont text file
MFG Manufacturing file (Pro/ENGINEER)
MGF A file in a Materials and Geometry Format
MGF Font file (MicroGrafx)
MHP Microsoft Home Publishing file
MHT MHTML document (Microsoft)
MHTM MHTML document (MIME)
MI Miscellaneous file (Generic)
MI Data file (Cocreate ME10)
MIC Image Composer file (Microsoft)
MID MIDI music
MIF Interchange format (Adobe FrameMaker)
MIFF Machine Independent File (Generic)
MII Datafile (MicroStat-II)
MIX Picture file (Microsoft PhotoDraw 2000)
MIX Picture file (Microsoft Picture-It!)
MIX Resource archive (Westwood Studios)
MIX Object file (Power C)
MJF Audio file similar to MP3 (Mjuice) (Opens with WinAmp)
MK Makefile (Generic)
MKA Matroska audio file
MKE Makefile (Microsoft Windows SDK)
MKI Graphic Image (MagView 5.0) (Japanese)
MKP Autodesk Visual Lisp IDE Markup file
MKP Autodesk Visual Lisp IDE Markup file
MKS Datafile (TACT)
MKS Matroska subtitles file
MKV Matroska video file.
ML3 Project file (Milestones 3.x)
MLB Macro library (Symphony)
MLI A file in 3D Studio's Material-Library format
MLID Muliple link interface driver file (Generic)
MLM Groupwise email file (Novell Groupwise)
MM Text file (MultiMate Advantage II)
MMAP MindManager Brainstorm and Process Control Map
MMC Catalog file (Microsoft Clip Gallery 5.x)
MMF Mail file (Microsoft)
MMF Meal Master Format, a recipe catologing format
MMG Beyond 20/20 table or aggregate data file
MML Bulk mail file (Created by MyMailList)
MMM Multimedia movie (MacroMind Director 3.x)
MMM Multimedia movie (Microsoft)
MMO Memo Writer file (RapidFile)
MMP Output video (Bravado)
MMP MindManager file (MindMapor)
MN2 Mission file (Descent2)
MN3 Mission file (Descent3)
MND Mandelbrot for Windows
MND Menu source (AutoCAD Menu Compiler)
MNG Multi-image Network Graphics
MNG Map (DeLorme Map'n'Go)
MNI Mandelbrot for Windows
MNT Menu file (Microsoft FoxPro)
MNU Advanced macro (HP NewWave)
MNU Interact menu (Intertal Systems)
MNU Menu (AutoCAD Menu Compiler)
MNU Menu (Norton Commander)
MNU Menu file (Visual dBase)
MNX Compiled menu (AutoCAD)
MNX Menu (Microsoft FoxPro)
MNY Account book (Microsoft Money)
MOB Device definition (PEN for Windows)
MOD Spreadsheet (Microsoft Multiplan)
MOD Modula-2 source code file (Clarion Modula-2)
MOD Kernel module (Microsoft Windows 9.x)
MOD Amiga/PC tracker module
MOD FastTracker, StarTrekker, Noise Tracker (etc.) music module file
MOF Windows Management Object file
MON Monitor description (ReadMail)
MOV Movie (AutoCAD/AutoFlix)
MOV Movie (QuickTime for Microsoft Windows)
MOZ Zipped (Compressed) mod file
MP2 MPEG Audio Layer 2 file (MIME video file)
MP3 MPEG Audio Layer 3 (AC3) file
MP4A MPEG Audio Layer 4 file
MPA MPEG-related file (MIME type 'mpeg')
MPC Musepack audio file
MPD Database file (Microsoft Project)
MPE MPEG animation
MPEG MPEG animation
MPG MPEG animation
MPM Mathplan Macro library (WordPerfect for Windows)
MPP Drawing file (CAD)
MPP Project file (Microsoft Project)
MPQ Blizzard game data file
MPR Menus (compiled) (Microsoft FoxPro)
MPT Bitmap graphics (Multipage TIFF)
MPV View file (Microsoft Project)
MPX Exchange file (Microsoft Project) used for exporting data
MPX Compiled menu program (Microsoft FoxPro)
MPZ DraCAD (Japanese) file
MPZ Miradi Project Zipfile. Archive format for Miradi conservation projects.
MRB Multiple resolution bitmap graphics (Microsoft C/C++)
MRS Macro resource file (WordPerfect for Windows)
MSA Archive (Magic Shadow)
MSC Common console document (Microsoft Windows 2000)
MSC Makefile (Microsoft C)
MSD Diagnostics report file (Microsoft MSD) (Diagnostics)
MSDL Scene Description Language (Manchester)
MSF Network 7.0 mail file
MSG Mail message (Microsoft)
MSI Installer package (Microsoft Windows)
MSN Mission File (Descent)
MSN Network document (Microsoft)
MSN Data file used with MSN Content Plus for MSN Messenger
MSP Windows Installer patch file
MSP Paint bitmap (Microsoft)
MSS Manuscript text file (Scribble)
MSS Manuscript text file (MINCE)
MSS Manuscript text file (Jove)
MSS Manuscript text file (Perfect Writer)
MST Minispecification file (Prosa)
MST Setup script (Microsoft SDK)
MST Windows Installer transform
MSV Sony Memory Stick Compressed Voice File; requires Sony plug-in for Windows Media Player
MSW Text file (Microsoft Word)
MSX Compressed CP/M archive (MSX)
MTH Math file (Derive)
MTM Music module (MOD) (Multitracker)
MTS AVCHD video clip format
MTW Datafile (Minitab)
MTX Twain device driver (32 bit)(UMax)
MTX Data file for Adobe Atmosphere
MU Menu (Quattro Pro)
MUL Online game called Ultima online
MUS Interactive music audio data file (Electronic Arts)
MUS Music (MusicTime)
MUS Music (Generic)
MUS10 Audio (Mus10)
MV Server-side script file (Miva)
MVA Video accelerator file (Matrox)
MVB Multimedia Viewer file (Microsoft)
MVC Image file (Sony Digital Mavica)
MVE Interplay video file (Descent2, Fallout2)
MVF Stop frame file (AutoCAD-AutoFlix)
MVI Movie command file (AutoCAD-AutoFlix)
MVL Descent 2 (game) movie archive
MVL 3D ultrasound file
MVL Interplay multimedia file
MVW Log file (Saber LAN)
MWF Animation (ProMotion)
MWP Smartmaster file (Lotus WordPro 97)
MXD Map file (ArcInfo)
MXT Datafile (Microsoft C)
MYP Presentation file (Make Your Point)

NAN Nanoscope files (Raw Grayscale)
NAP Video file (EnerGraphics)
NAP Metafile (NAP)
NB Text file (Nota Bene)
NC Instructions for numerical control machine (CAMS)
NCB Developer Studio file (Microsoft)
NCC CNC (Computer Numeric Control) file (CamView 3D)
NCD Change directory (Norton)
NCD Artwork file for Nero CoverDesigner
NCF Internal clipboard (Lotus Notes)
NCF Command File (Netware)
NCH Outlook Express folder file
NCO Nero BackItUp compressed backup file
NDB NetOp database (Danware Data)
NDB Network database (Intellicom)
NDO 3D low-polygon modeler (Nendo)
NDX Database file (1ACT! for Microsoft Windows)
NDX Index file (Cindex)
NDX Index file (dBase II-III-IV)
NEO Raster graphics (Atari Neochrome)
NES Emulator ROMS for game console (Nintendo)
NET Netlist output file (Orcad Schematic Capture)
NET Network configuration file
NEW New info
NEZ Emulator file used for game consoles (NES)
NFF Neutral File Format
NFO Infobase file (Folio)
NFO ASCII text-based information files
NFT Template file (Netobject Fusion)
NG Online documentation database (Norton Guide)
NIL Icon Library file (EasyIcons-compatible) (Norton)
NIST Audio (NIST Sphere)
NLB Data (Oracle 7)
NLM Loadable Module (Netware)
NLO NetG Skill Builder file
NLS National Language Support file used for localization (for example, by Uniscape)
NLU E-Mail Trigger file (Norton LiveUpdate)
NLX Form (FormWorx 3.0)
NMEA GPS Log Data file
NOD File (Netobject Fusion)
NP Project schedule (Visual Planner 3.x)
NP Project schedule (Nokia Planner)
NPI Source for interpreter (dBase Application Generator)
NRF Data file (NICOLET)
NRG Image file (Nero)
NRI Nero ISO CD compilation file
NRL Template (Microsoft Outlook)
NRL iManage infoRite document hyperlinks
NS2 Database (Lotus Notes version 2)
NS3 Database (Lotus Notes version 3)
NS4 Database (Lotus Notes version 4)
NSF Database (Lotus Notes)
NSO Document file (NetObject Fusion)
NST Music module (MOD) (Noise Tracker)
NSV Nullsoft streaming video file that comes with Winamp
NT Startup files (Microsoft Windows NT)
NTF National Imagery Transmission Format file
NTR Executable ASCII text file
NTS Executable ASCII text file
NTS Tutorial (Norton)
NTX Index file (CA-Clipper)
NUF Message for new users (1st call) (Procomm Plus)
NWC Song file (Noteworthy Composer)
NWS News message (MIME RFC822) (Microsoft Outlook Express)
NXT Sound file (NeXT)

O Object file (Atari)
O Object file (GCC)
O Object file (Unix)
OAS Word processor document (Fujitsu OAS)(Japanese)
OAZ Fax (NetFax Manager)
OB Object cut/paste file (IBM LinkWay)
OBD Binder (Microsoft Office)
OBD Binder template (Microsoft Office)
OBJ Object file
OBR Object browser data file (Borland C++)
OBS Script (ObjectScript)
OBV Visual interface (ObjectScript)
OBZ Binder Wizard (Microsoft Office)
OCF Object craft file (Object Craft)
OCR Transcribed fax-to-text file (FAXGrabber)
OCX OLE custom control
ODC OpenDocument Chart
ODF Object Description Files
ODF Open Document Format
ODG OpenDocument Graphic
ODI OpenDocument Image
ODIF OpenDocument Interchange Format
ODIF OpenDocument Chart Template
ODL Type library source (Visual C++)
ODP OpenDocument Presentation file
ODS OpenDocument Spreadsheet
ODS Mailbox file (Microsoft Outlook Express)
ODT OpenDocument Text file
OFD Form definition (ObjectView)
OFF Object File (3D Mesh)
OFN FileNew file (Microsoft Office)
OFT Template (Microsoft Outlook)
OGG Ogg Vorbis audio file
OGM Ogg Media video file
OKR Feldeinteilung module file (3-D Fassade Plus)
OKT Music module (MOD) (Oktalyzer)
OLB Object library (VAX)
OLB Object Library (OLE) (Microsoft)
OLD Backup file (Generic)
OLE Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) custom control (Microsoft)
OLI Text file (Olivetti)
OMC Atrac3 (Sony Music Store) audio file
OMF Open Media Format File
ONE Microsoft OneNote 2007 file
ONE SEMONE Compressed Archive
ONE SEMONE Compressed Archive file
ONE EdgeCAM Licensing data file
ONE docPointer Visual ReadMe file
OO1 Voice file (Typhoon)
OOGL Object Oriented Graphics Library
OOM Swap file (Shroom)
OPJ Project file (Orcad Schematic Capture)
OPL Organiser Programming Language source file (Psion/Symbian)
OPN Active options (Exact)
OPO Output executable file (OPL)
OPT Optimize support file (QEMM)
OPT Developer Studio file (Microsoft)
OPW Organization chart (Org Plus for Windows)
OPX Inactive options (Exact)
OPX Microsoft Organizer Organization Chart
OPX Extension DLL (OPL)
OR2 Calendar file (Lotus Organizer 2)
OR3 Lotus Organizer 97 file
ORA Configuration file (Oracle 7)
ORA Parameter file (Oracle)
ORC Script (Oracle 7)
ORG Calendar file (Lotus Organizer)
OSS Search file (Microsoft Office)
OST Offline file (Microsoft Exchange/Outlook)
OTG OpenDocument Graphic Template
OTI OpenDocument Image Template
OTL Template file (Super NoteTab) (Fookes)
OTL Template file (PrintMaster Gold)
OTL Outline font description (Z-Soft Type Foundry)
OTT OpenDocument Text Template
OTX Text file (Olivetti Olitext Plus)
OUT Output file (Microsoft C)
OV Database file (Revelation-DOS)
OV1 Overlay file
OV2 Overlay file
OVD Datafile (ObjectVision)
OVL Overlay file

P Application parameter file (ReaGeniX code generator)
P Picture file (APPLAUSE)
P Source code (Pascal)
P10 Plot 10 drawing (Tektronics)
P16 16 Channel Music file (ProTracker 16)
P22 Patch file (Patch 22)
P2V Backup file of a project in event planning software plan2viz
P3 Project Planner file (Primavera)
P65 Document file (PageMaker 6.0)
P7C Digital ID file (MIME)
PA Print Artist Project file
PA1 Worktable (PageAhead)
PAB Personal Address Book (Microsoft)
PAC Image (Stad)
PAC Package file (Sound Blaster Studio II)
PAD Keypad definition (Telemate)
PAF Personal Ancestry File (free genealogy software from the Mormon Church)
PAK WAD file (Quake)
PAK Compressed archive (PAK)
PAL Color palette (Microsoft)
PAL A compressed file (Generic)
PAN Printer specific file (CorelDRAW)
PAQ Password encrypted zip file (Hewlett-Packard)
PAR Parameter file (Fractint)
PAR Permanent output file (Microsoft Windows 3.x)
PAR Parts application (Digitalk PARTS)
PART eMule partial download
PART Go!Zilla partial download
PART eDonkey partial download
PAS Source code file (Borland Pascal)
PAT Pattern file (CorelDRAW)
PAT Patch file (Advanced Gravis Ultrasound/Forte Technologies)
PAT exePatch utility used for Warcraft2 (WarHack)
PAT Hatch pattern file (DataCAD)
PB Phone book (WinFax Pro)
PB Setup file (PixBase)
PB Fax (FAXability Plus)
PB1 Document (First Publisher for Windows)
PBA Source code file (Powerbasic BASIC) (Genus)
PBD Dynamic library, an alternative to a native DLL (PowerBuilder)
PBD Phone book (FaxNOW!-Faxit)
PBF Turtle Beach Pinnacle Bank File
PBI Profiler binary input file (Microsoft Source Profiler)
PBI Include file (PowerBasic) (Genus)
PBK Microsoft Phonebook
PBL PowerBasic library (Genus)
PBL Library file used in a development environment (PowerBuilder)
PBM Planar bitmap graphic (XLib)
PBM Portable bitmap graphic
PBN Portable Bridge Notation file
PBO Profiler binary output (Microsoft Source Profiler)
PBR Resource file (PowerBuilder)
PBT Profiler binary table (Microsoft Source Profiler)
PC Text file (IBM)
PC3 Custom palette (Harvard Graphics 3.0)
PC8 Ascii text IBM8 character set (NewWave Write)
PCA Sony audio format
PCB Application data file (Microsoft Powerpoint)
PCC Cutout picture vector graphics (PC Paintbrush)
PCD P-Code compiled test scripts as in Microsoft Test and Microsoft Visual Test
PCD Image (Kodak Photo-CD)
PCE Maps Eudora mailbox names to DOS filenames
PCF Profiler command file (Microsoft Source Profiler)
PCH Precompiled header file (Microsoft C/C++)
PCH Patch file (Generic)
PCI PCI Miniport file (Microsoft Windows System file)
PCJ Multimedia authoring tool graphics (IBM Linkaway-Live)
PCK AIRA PIPP spectrum file
PCL Printer Control Language file (printer-ready bitmap) (Hewlett-Packard)
PCM PCM file (OKI MSM6376 Sythesizer Chip)
PCM Audio file
PCP Live Update Pro file (Symantec)
PCR PCMark Benchmark File
PCS Picture storage file (Microsoft)
PCS Animation (PICS)
PCT PICT drawing (Macintosh)
PCW Text file (PC Write)
PCX PC Paintbrush bitmap (ZSoft)
PDA Bitmap graphics
PDB Physical model backup file (PowerDesigner)
PDB Database file (3Com PalmPilot)
PDB Brookhaven Protein Database file
PDB Data file (TACT)
PDD Graphic image that can be opened with Paint Shop Pro and Adobe PhotoDeluxe
PDF Definition File
PDF Printer Definition File (Netware)
PDF Graphics file (ED-SCAN 24bit)
PDF Portable Document file (Adobe Acrobat) (displayable with a Web browser)
PDL Project description language file (Borland C/C++)
PDM Physical model file (PowerDesigner)
PDM Photo DVD Maker project file
PDP Print Shop Deluxe file (Broderbund)
PDS NASA Planetary Data System Format Space Mission Data
PDS Photographic image file (origin not yet identified)
PDS PLDASM Source Code
PDS Print Shop Graphic
PDS Hardware assembly source code file (Pldasm)
PDS Broderbund Print Shop Deluxe
PDT Database file (ProCite)
PDV Printer driver (Paintbrush)
PDW Document (Professional Draw)
PDX Active Sensing PDXplorer IPC-2570 Product Data Exchange Information File
PDX Adobe Acrobat Catalog Index
PDX Database index file (ProCite)
PDX Adobe Acrobat Catalog Index
PE3 Image archive file (QuickViewer)
PE3 Image archive file (Ulead PhotoImpact)
PE4 Image archive file (Ulead PhotoImpact v.4.0)
PEB Program Editor bottom overflow file (WordPerfect for Windows Library)
PED Program Editor delete save file (WordPerfect for Windows)
PEM Program Editor macro (WordPerfect for Windows library)
PEQ Program Editor print queue file (WordPerfect for Windows)
PER Program Editor resident area file (WordPerfect for Windows Library)
PES Program Editor work space file (WordPerfect for Windows Library)
PET Program Editor top overflow file (WordPerfect for Windows Library)
PF Windows XP prefetch file (data read into RAM in anticipation of a user asking for it)
PF Encrypted file (Alladin Systems)
PFA Type 3 font (ASCII)
PFB Type 1 font (binary)
PFC Text file (First Choice)
PFC Personal filing cabinet file (AOL)
PFC PF Component file
PFD SoftPro Real Estate Proform Document Format
PFF Paraform file for 3D modeling (Scandata)
PFK Programmable function keys (XTreePro)
PFM Printer Font Metrics (Microsoft)
PFS Database text file (PFS:Write)
PFT Printer font (ChiWriter)
PG Page cut/paste file (IBM LinkWay)
PGI Printer graphics file device driver (PGRAPH Library)
PGL Plotter drawing (Hewlett-Packard)
PGM Program file (Signature)
PGM Portable Graymap (bitmap)
PGN Portable game notation file (ChessMaster and others)
PGP PGP encrypted file
PGS Manual page (man4dos)
PH Optimized .goh file (Geoworks)
PH Perl header file
PH Phrase-table (Microsoft C/C++)
PH Temporary file generated by Microsoft Help Compiler
PHN Phone list (QmodemPro)
PHN Phone list (UltraFax)
PHO Phone database (Metz Phone for Windows)
PHP HTML page that includes a PHP script
PHP3 HTML page that includes a PHP script
PHR Zoom MRS-802 Phrase Audio Data file
PHR Phrases (LocoScript)
PHS PHScript File
PHTML perl-parsed HTML
PHTML HTML page that includes a PHP script
PI1 Low resolution picture file (Dages Elite)
PI2 Medium resolution picture file (Dages Elite)
PI3 High resolution picture file (Dages Elite)
PIC Pixar picture file (SDSC Image Tool)
PIC Picture file (Lotus)
PIC PICT drawing (Macintosh)
PIC 3D Image file (SoftImage)
PIC Bitmap (PC Paint)
PICT PICT image file (Macintosh)
PIF PIF drawing (IBM)
PIF Vector graphics GDF file (IBM Mainframe)
PIF Compressed archive (Macintosh)
PIF Program Information File
PIG WAD file (Lucas Arts Dark Forces
PIN Data file (Epic Pinball)
PIN Data file (Epic Pinball)
PIV Pivot stick figure animation file.
PIV Pivotal Sales Suite activity file used to email activity and launch associated application.
PIX Alias image file (SDSC Image Tool)
PIX Bitmap (Inset Systems)
PJ Source Integrity file (MKS)
PJ Project file (CA-SuperProject)
PJT Visual Foxpro Project (Microsoft)
PJT Visual FoxPro memo file (Microsoft)
PJX Visual FoxPro project file (Microsoft)
PK Packed bitmap font file (TeX DVI)
PKA Compressed file archive (PKARC)
PKG Installer script (NEXT)
PKG Developer Studio application extension (similar to a DLL file) (Microsoft)
PKR Public Keyring (PGP)
PKT Packet file (Fidonet)
PL Source code file (Perl)
PL Source code file (Prolog)
PL Property list font metric file (TeX)
PL Palette (Harvard Graphics)
PL Interleaf printerleaf (or WorldView) format
PL1 Room plan (3D Home Architect)
PL3 Chart palette (Harvard Graphics 3.0)
PLB Library file (Microsoft FoxPro)
PLC Add-in file (Lotus 1-2-3)
PLG A format use by REND386/AVRIL
PLI Data description file (Oracle 7)
PLL Pre-linked library file (Clipper 5)
PLM Module (DisorderTracker2)
PLN Spreadsheet (WordPerfect for Windows)
PLR Pilot file (Descent 1-3)
PLS MPEG PLayList file (used by WinAmp)
PLS MYOB Plus file
PLS Sample file (DisorderTracker2)
PLT Plot drawing (AutoCAD)
PLT Palette (Generic)
PLT Pre-linked transfer file (Clipper 5)
PLT Sign-making software (Gerber Optical)
PLT Drawing (HPGL Plotter)
PLY Presentation screen (Harvard Spotlight)
PLY Data file (PopMail)
PM Module (Perl)
PM Bitmap graphics (Presentation Manager)
PM3 Document (PageMaker 3.0)
PM4 Document (PageMaker 4.0)
PM5 Document (PageMaker 5.0)
PM6 Document (PageMaker 6.0)
PMC Graphics (A4TECH Scanner)
PMD Adobe PageMaker 7.x file
PMM Program file (Amaris BTX/2)
PN3 Printer device driver (Harvard Graphics 3.0)
PNG Browser catalogue (Paint Shop Pro)
PNG Bitmap file (MacroMedia FireWorks)
PNG PrintMaster graphics file
PNG Bitmap (Portable Network Graphics)
PNM Portable aNY Map graphics (PBM)
PNT QWK reader pointer file (MarkMail 2.x)
PNT Pen Table plotting file (Pro/Engineer)
PNT Graphic file (MacPaint)
PNTG Same as PNT file
POG PIG file extension (Descent2)
POH Optimized .goh file (Geoworks)
POL 3D polygonal modeling file (Innovmetric)
POL Windows NT Policy file
POP Message index (PopMail)
POP Popup file (Visual dBase)
POT PowerPoint template (Microsoft)
POV Persistence of Vision file (Ray-Tracer)
POW Chord chart (PowerChords)
PP Compressed Amiga archive (POWERPACKER)
PP4 Bitmap (Picture Publisher 4)
PPA PowerPoint Add-in (Microsoft)
PPB Button bar for print preview (WordPerfect for Windows)
PPD PostScript Printer definition file specification (Adobe Acrobat v.4.0)
PPF Pinnacle Program File (Turtle Beach)
PPI Graphics file (Microsoft PowerPoint)
PPL PolaroidPalettePlus ColorKey device driver (Harvard Graphics 3.0)
PPM Portable Pixelmap bitmap
PPO Pre-processed output file (Clipper 5)
PPP Desktop publishing default output file (Serif PagePlus)
PPP Document or finished project (Parson Power Publisher)
PPS ArcView Processing Set Codes
PPS Personal Producer Storyboard
PPS PowerPoint slide show (Microsoft)
PPT PowerPoint presentation (Microsoft)
PPX Cognos Powerplay portable report (xml format)
PQB Master boot backup file (PowerQuest BootMagic)
PQI Drive image file (PowerQuest)
PR2 Printer driver (dBase IV)
PR2 Presentation (Aldus Persuasion 2.x)
PR3 Presentation (Aldus Persuasion 3.x)
PR3 Presentation (Aldus Persuasion 3.x)
PR3 Postscript printer driver (dBase IV)
PRC Resource (text or program) file (3com PalmPilot)
PRD Printer driver (Generic)
PRE Settings (Programmer's WorkBench)
PRE Settings (Microsoft C/C++)
PRE Presentation (Lotus Freelance)
PREL Adobe Premiere Elements Project
PRF Settings file (Macromedia Director)
PRF Pixel Run Format graphics (Improces-Fastgraph)
PRF Printer driver (dBase IV)
PRF Output file (Profiler)
PRF System file (Microsoft Windows)
PRG Program source files (Atari)
PRG Program file (WAVmaker)
PRG Program source files (dBase IV, Clipper 5, and Microsoft FoxPro)
PRI Printer definitions (LocoScript)
PRJ Project file (3D Studio) (DOS)
PRM Parameter file (Generic)
PRM MYOB Premier file
PRM Adobe Premiere plug-in file
PRN Windows Printer file (DataCAD)
PRN Printer driver (Signature)
PRN Text file (Lotus 1-2-3-Symphony)
PRN Print Table (space delimited text)
PRND PageMaker 7.0 file
PRO Configuration file (Pro/Engineer)
PRO Graphics profile file (DOS)
PRO Project file (Terramodel)
PRO Source code file (Prolog)
PRO Alphacet Program XML files
PRP Data conversion saved project file (Oberon Prospero)
PRS Printer resource font file (WordPerfect for Windows)
PRS Procedure file (dBase IV)
PRS Presentation file (Harvard Graphics for Windows)
PRT Printer driver (Dr. Halo)
PRT Part file (Pro/Engineer)
PRT Part file (CADkey)
PRT Unigraphics CAD file
PRT A print-formatted file
PRV Internet provider template file (psiMail)
PRX Compiled program (Microsoft FoxPro)
PRX Windows multimedia XML file
PRZ Graphics file (Lotus Freelance 97)
PS Postscript-formatted file (a Postscript printer-ready file)
PSA Adobe Photoshop Elements Album
PSB Sound Bank file (Pinnacle)
PSB Adobe Photoshop image file
PSD Adobe Photoshop default
PSE Bitmap graphics (IBM printer Page SEgment)
PSF Outline PostScript printer font (ChiWriter)
PSI A-law audio file (psion)
PSM Sound data file (Epic Pinball)
PSM Symbol table of IDE (Turbo Pascal)
PSM Studio module (ProTracker)
PSP Procedure (Prodea Synergy)
PSP Image file (PaintShop Pro)
PSR Report file (PowerSoft)
PST Personal Folder File (Microsoft Outlook)
PT3 Template (PageMaker 3.0)
PT3 Device driver (Harvard Graphics 3.0)
PT4 Template (PageMaker 4.0)
PTB Script file (PubTech BatchWorks)
PTB Table file (Pro/Engineer)
PTB Peachtree backup file
PTD Table file (Pro/ENGINEER)
PTD LiveNote Portable Transcript document
PTF ProTracker Tennis Match file
PTF LiveNote Portable Transcript file
PTF Pro Tools session file
PTL Petal file (ASCII version of Microsoft Visual Modeler)
PTM Music module (MOD) (Polytracker)
PTM Macro (PubTech BatchWorks)
PTN PaperPort (ScanSoft) thumbnail image index file
PTR QWK reader pointer file (QMail)
PTX RealLegal Portable E-Transcript viewer file
PUB Document (Microsoft Publisher)
PUB Public key ring file (PGP)
PUB Publication (Ventura Publisher)
PUD Map file (WarCraftII)
PUT Compressed archive (PUT)
PVD Script file (Instalit)
PVL Library file (Instalit)
PVT Local pointlist (Fidonet)
PW Text file (Professional Write)
PWD Word document (Microsoft Pocket)
PWL Password list file (Microsoft Windows 9.x)
PWP Text document (Professional WritePlus)
PWP Image file (a roll of film viewed using Photoworks)
PWZ PowerPoint wizard (Microsoft)
PX Primary database index (Paradox)
PX Image file for Pixel image editing software
PXL Pocket Excel spreadsheet (Microsoft)
PXW Pixtran file
PY python Script file
PY Saved emessages (YAHOO)
PYC python Compiled script file
PZD Default settings (Pizazz Plus)
PZO Overlay file (Pizazz Plus)
PZP Palette (Pizazz Plus)
PZS Settings (Pizazz Plus)
PZT Transfer file (Pizazz Plus)
PZX Swap file (Pizazz Plus)

OVR Overlay file
OXT extension
QAD Document (PF QuickArt)
QAG Quick Access Group data file (Norton Desktop)
QAP Application file (Omnis Quartz)
QBB QuickBooks backup file
QBE Saved Query (Quattro Pro)
QBE Saved query (dBase IV)
QBM QuickBooks Portable Company file
QBO Compiled query (dBase IV)
QBS Program file (Microsoft QuickBasic)
QBW Spreadsheet data (QuickBooks for Windows)
QCP Voice file (Qualcomm Pure Voice)
QD0 Data file-segment 10 (Omnis Quartz)
QD1 Data file segment 1 (Omnis Quartz)
QD2 Data file segment 2 (Omnis Quartz)
QD3 Data file segment 3 (Omnis Quartz)
QD3D QuickDraw 3D Metafile (Apple)
QD4 Data file segment 4 (Omnis Quartz)
QD5 Data file segment 5 (Omnis Quartz)
QD6 Data file segment 6 (Omnis Quartz)
QD7 Data file segmnet 7 (Omnis Quartz)
QD8 Data file segment 8 (Omnis Quartz)
QD9 Data file segment 9 (Omnis Quartz)
QDF Data file (Quicken)
QDK Backup of startup files (QEMM)
QDT Data file from the Quicken UK Accountancy/Tax/Invoice program (QuickBooks)
QDV Graphics file (Steve Blackstock Giffer)
QEF Query file (Microsoft Excel)
QEL Electronic library file (Quicken)
QFX Fax (QuickLink)
QIC Backup file (Microsoft)
QIF Import file (Quicken)
QIF Image (MIME)(QuickTime)
QLB Library file (Microsoft C/C++)
QLB Library file (Quick)
QLC Data (PostScript help file)
QLP Printer driver (QuickLink)
QM Motion file (Quality)
QM4 Option or services file (QMail 4.x Mail Door)
QPH Quicken Price History file
QPR Print queue device driver (OS/2)
QPR Generated query program (Microsoft FoxPro)
QPX Compiled query program (Microsoft FoxPro)
QQT Qardware definition file (Quick Qard Technology)
QRP Report file (Liberty for Windows 2.0)
QRP Report builder file (Centura)
QRS Equation Editor support file (WordPerfect for Windows)
QRT QRT graphics file (Ray Tracer)
QRY Query (dBase IV)
QRY Query (Microsoft)
QRY Crystal Sql Designer file (script)
QSD Datafile (Quicken)
QST Tab file (Quake Spy)
QT Movie file (QuickTime)
QTI Image file (QuickTime)
QTIF Image file (QuickTime)
QTM Movie file (QuickTime)
QTP Preferences file (QuickTime)
QTS Image file (QuickTime)
QTS PICT image file (Macintosh)
QTX Image file (QuickTime)
QUE Perseus Development Corporation SurveySolutions Questionnaire
QUE CuteFTP Queue File
QWK Message file (QWK Reader)
QXD Data file (QuarkXpress)
QXL Element library (QuarkXpress)
QXP Project file (replaces QXD file as of QuarkXPress 6)
QXT Template file (QuarkXpress)
RDL SQL Server reporting services XML file

S Source code file (Scheme)
S Assembler source code (Unix)
S3I Instrument file (Scream Tracker v 3.0)
S3M 16 channel music file (Scream Tracker v 3.0)
SAI Encrypted video file (Integrated Sensors)
SAL Datafile (SORITEC)
SAM Signed 8bit sample data file
SAM Document (AMI Professional)
SAR Compressed archive (SAR)
SAS SAS program file
SAS7BCAT SAS system catalog
SAS7BDAT SAS system data set
SAS7BNDX SAS system index
SAV Backup file (Generic)
SAV Configuration file (Generic)
SAV Saved game file (Generic)
SAV Saved date file for SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences)
SAVE Doom 3 and Quake 4 Savegame File
SAVE Temp file for Unix nano text editor
SB Raw Signed Byte (8bit) audio data
SB! Locking file (Superbase)
SBD Data definition file (Superbase)
SBD Storyboard data file (Storyboard Editor)
SBD ACT! contact management software files
SBD SAP 2000 file Structural Analysis Program from
SBD - File Format SAP 2000 file Structural Analysis Program from
SBF File data (Superbase)
SBI Instrument file (Creative Labs SoundBlaster)
SBK Bank file (Soundblaster)/EMU SoundFont v1.x (Creative Labs Soundfont 1.0)
SBL Flash object (ShockWave)
SBP Program file (Superbase)
SBP Dml program file (Superbase 4)
SBQ Query definition file (Superbase)
SBR Support file (Source Browser)
SBT Notes related to record data (Superbase 4 for Windows)
SBV Form definition file (Superbase)
SC Display driver (Framework II)
SC Pal script (Paradox)
SC2 SAS 6.12 catalog (Windows 95/NT, OS/2, Mac)
SC2 Schedule+ 7.0 file (Microsoft)
SC3 Renamed dBase III screen mask file (dBase IV)
SC3 Screen device driver (Harvard Graphics 3.0)
SC3 Saved game file (SIMM City 3000)
SC4 Level file (Roller Coaster Tycoon)
SC7 SAS 8.2 catalog
SCA Datafile (SCA)
SCC Text file (Generic)
SCC Source Safe file (Microsoft)
SCD Object description language graphics (Scodl Scan Conversion)
SCD Datafile (Microsoft Schedule+ 7.0)
SCD Slide image (Matrix/Imapro SCODL)
SCF Multimedia show (ScoreMaker)
SCF Spell checker configuration file (Symphony)
SCF Command file (Microsoft Windows Explorer)
SCH Schematics file (ORCAD)
SCH Datafile (Microsoft Schedule+ 7.0)
SCI System configuration information file (Generic)
SCI Fax document (SciFAX)
SCI Inspire native format (ScanVec)
SCM Video game console ROM emulater file
SCM Scheme source code file (Generic)
SCN Screen file (Kermit)
SCN Videowave Scene file
SCN Scene data file (TrueSpace2)
SCO High score file (Generic game file)
SCP Script file (BITCOM)
SCP Dial-Up Networking Script
SCPT Macintosh script-based file
SCR Fax image (Generic)
SCR Debug source code (DOS Debug)
SCR Screen snapshot file (dBase IV)
SCR Screen snapshot file (Procomm Plus)
SCR Screen font file (LocoScript)
SCR Screensaver file (Microsoft Windows 9.x)
SCREENFLOW Screenflow screen recording application file
SCT CT bitmap (Scitex)
SCT FoxPro forms (Microsoft)
SCT SAS catalog (Dos)
SCT01 SAS catalog (Unix)
SCTP Applescript script
SCV CASmate Native format (ScanVec)
SCX Bitmap graphics (ColorRIX)
SCX Chart (Stanford Chart)
SCX Screen file (Microsoft FoxPro)
SCX FoxPro forms (Microsoft)
SCY Security file (ReaGeniX)
SD Audio (Sound Designer I)
SD2 SAS 6.12 data set (Windows 95/NT OS/2, Mac)
SD2 Flattened file/data fork (Sound Designer II)
SD7 SAS 8.2 data set
SDA File archive description (Fidonet Software Distribution Network)
SDC Spreadsheet (Staroffice)(StarCalc)
SDD Presentation file (Staroffice)(Starimpress)
SDF System Data File Format - legacy Unisys (Sperry) format
SDI Software distribution network information file
SDK Floppy disk image (Roland)
SDL Library file (SmartDraw)
SDN Software distribution network compressed archive
SDP Datafile (Cocreate SolidDesigner)
SDPC Datafile (Cocreate SolidDesigner)
SDR Drawing (SmartDraw)
SDS Raw Midi Sample Dump Standard file
SDT Template (SmartDraw)
SDV Semicolon Divided Values file
SDW Raw Signed DWord (32bit) data
SDW Graphic file (Lotus WordPro)
SDX Midi Sample Dump Standard files compacted by SDX
SEA Self-expanding archive (used by Stuffit for Mac files and possibly by others)
SEC Secured animation file (Disney Animation Studio)
SEC Secret key ring file (PGP)
SED Screen editor script files (SED)
SEL Data file (Copy Books)
SEP Printer seperator page (Generic)
SEP Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) bitmap
SEQ Sequential instruction file (Bubble Chamber)
SEQ Animation file (Atari)
SES Session information file (Clarion Modula-2)
SES Session file (Cool Edit) (common digital audio editor file )
SESSION Internet Security Scanner file (ISS)
SET Install driver sets (Symphony)
SET Setup option file (Generic)
SET Voice set files (Quartet)
SET Configuration file (1st Reader)
SEW Sewing program file (Generic)
SF Wps attribute storage file (OS/2 WorkPlace Shell)
SF SoundFile format (IrCam)
SF2 Bank file (Creative Labs Soundfont 2.0)(Soundblaster)
SF2 SoundFont file (EMU version 2.0)
SFD Sound File Data (SoundStage)
SFI Graphics file (SIS Framegrabber)
SFI Printer font file (Hewlett-Packard Laser Jet Landscape)
SFI Printer font file (Ventura Publisher)
SFI Sound File Info (SoundStage)
SFK Sound file (Sonic Foundry)
SFL Pcl 4 bitmap font (Ventura Publisher)
SFL Pcl 4 bitmap font (Intellifont)
SFL Pcl 4 bitmap font (LandScape)
SFN Font file (SPX)
SFP Pcl bitmap font (Intellifont)
SFP Pcl bitmap font (Ventura Publisher)
SFP Pcl bitmap font (Portrait)
SFR Sample Resource (Sonic Foundry)
SFS Pcl 5 scalable font file (Intellifont)
SFT SoftGrid Program Package Container
SFT ChiWriter Screen Font
SFW Mangled JPEG (Seattle Filmworks)
SFX Self-extracting archive (RAR)
SG Image file (SnapGraphix)
SG1 Graphics file (Stanford Graphics)
SGF Graphics file (Sonique)
SGF Document w/graphics (StarWriter)
SGI Graphics file (Silicon Graphics)
SGI Graphics file (IRIS)
SGML Standard Generalized Markup Language
SGP Statistics file (STATGRAPHICS Plus)
SGT Save/Get keyboard macro (Signature)
SH ASCii archive (Unix/SHAR)
SH Shell script (Unix)
SH3 Presentaion file (Harvard Graphics)
SHB Document shortcut file
SHB Presentation (Corel Show)
SHG Bitmap (HotSpot)
SHK Compressed archive (Arthurian Shrink Archiver)
SHK Compressed Apple archive (SHRINKIT)
SHM Shell macro (WordPerfect for Windows Library)
SHN Audio compression file (Shorten)
SHP File format used by some programs for 3D modeling of multipart interactive triangle models
SHP Shapefile spatial data format (used by many GIS programs)
SHP Source code and shape file for text fonts (AutoCAD)
SHP DOS shapes file (3D Studios)
SHR File archive (Unix ASCii) (SHAR)
SHS Shell scrap file; reportedly used to send "password stealers"
SHT Pocket Spreadsheets file
SHTML HTML file containing Server Side Includes (SSI)
SHW Presentation (Harvard Graphics 2.0)
SHW Slide Show (WordPerfect for Windows)
SHW Presentation (Corel Show)
SHX Shapefile spatial index file (ArcView)
SHX Shape entities (AutoCAD)
SIF Setup installation files (Microsoft Windows NT)
SIG Signature file (PopMail)
SIG Current program settings (Signature)
SIG PrintMaster graphics file
SIK Backup files (Sicherungskopie)
SIK Backup files (Microsoft Word for Windows)
SIT Compressed archive of Mac files (Stuffit)
SIZ Configuration file (Oracle 7)
SIZED Gallery resized photo image
SKA Secret Keyring file (PGP)
SKF Drawing file (AutoSketch)
SKL Resource file (Macromedia Director)
SL Source code file (S-Lang)
SL Save Layout extension (PACT)
SLB Slide Library File (AutoCAD)
SLC Compiled SALT script (Telix)
SLD Slide File (AutoCAD)
SLDASM SolidWorks Assembly File
SLDDRW SolidWorks Drawing File
SLDPRT SolidWorks Part File
SLI Slide file (MAGICorp Slide Service)
SLK Symbolic link spreadsheet (SLYK)
SLL Sound data file (Generic)
SLT Script application language (SALT) (Telix script source)
SM Maillist (SoftSpoken Mailer)
SM Script file (ScriptMaker)
SM Simple MODRATEC Graphic
SM Text file (Samna Word)
SM Source code file (Smalltalk)
SM3 Symbol file (DataCAD)
SMD Video game console ROM emulator file
SMF Fax document (SMARTFAX)
SMF MIDI audio file
SMK Image file (Smack Player)
SMK Image file (Nascar Racing '99)
SMK Image file (Deer's Revenge)
SMM Macro (AMI Pro)
SMP Sample file (AdLib Gold)
SMP Samplevision format
SMS Emulator ROM image file (8-bit Sega Master System)
SMT SmartObject file (IconAuthor)
SMT Text file (Smart Ware II)
SMW Simpl Windows for Crestron processors
SMZIP Stepmania package format
SNA Drive Snapshot compressed Disk Image file
SND Sound resource (Macintosh)
SND Raw unsigned PCM data
SND Sound file (NeXt)
SNDR Sound file (Sounder)
SNDT Sound file (SndTool)
SNG Midi song file (Prism)
SNG Midi song file (Midisoft Studio)
SNK Visual Studio Strong-Name key file
SNM Mailbox (mail folder) index (Netscape)
SNO Source code file (Snobol4)
SNP Output video file (Computer Eyes)
SNP Microsoft Access database snapshot file
SO Shared library file (Unix)(equivalent to a Windows DLL)
SOL Solution file (Common used with game examples,tutorials)
SOM Sort information files (Paradox)
SOM Network serial numbers (Quattro Pro)
SON Song file (Creative Labs SoundBlaster Studio II)
SOU Sound file (Creative Labs SoundBlaster Studio)
SP Compressed archive for Unix (Sprint)
SP2 Quake2 pcx 8-bit sprite builder file
SP3 Quake2 pcx 32-bit sprite builder file (for use with CyberPunkQE)
SP4 Saved game (Roller Coaster Tycoon)
SPA FutureSplash Flash file (Macromedia)
SPC Temporary file (WordPerfect for Windows)
SPC Program file (Microsoft MultiPlan)
SPC Digital certificate file
SPD Scalable font (Speedo)
SPD Scalable font (Harvard Graphics 3.0)
SPD Data file (Speech)
SPF Slide presentation file (EnerGraphics)
SPF JPEG image file
SPG Glossary file (Sprint)
SPI Graphics file (Phillips Scanner)
SPI Graphics file (Siemens Scanner)
SPL Sample file (DigiTracker)
SPL Compressed archive (SPLINT)
SPL Customized printer driver (Sprint)
SPL Personal spell dictionary (Signature)
SPL Printer spool file (Microsoft Windows 3.x)
SPL Sample file (Generic)
SPL Object file (ShockWave Flash)
SPM Data file (WordPerfect for Windows)
SPP Printer file (Sprint)
SPPACK Sound sample (SP Pack)
SPR Generated screen program (Microsoft FoxPro)
SPR Sprite (Image layering and resizing)
SPR Document letter (Sprint)
SPRITE Bitmap file (Acorn)
SPS Screen driver (Sprint)
SPS Spssx source code file (VAX/VMS)
SPT Support file (MITAC disk/system management utility package)
SPT Source code file (Spitbol)
SPT Data file for SpeedTreeCAD
SPU Picture file (Spectrum 512)
SPW Worksheet (SigmaPlot)
SPX Compiled screen program (Microsoft FoxPro)
SPZ SudoKoach puzzle file
SPZ SudoKoach puzzle
SQC Structured Query Language (SQL) common code file
SQL Generally used by database products as an extension for SQL queries (scripts, text, or binary)
SQL SQL queries (Informix)
SQM Windows Live Messenger log file
SQP Query result of audio search (Sonique)
SQR Structured Query Language (SQL) program file
SQZ Compressed archive (SQUEEZE)
SRE Undefined file (Motorola)
SRF Raster graphics file (Sun)
SRM Video game console ROM emulator file
SRP SCript file (QuickLink)
SRZ Source file (DataFlex)
SS Bitmap graphics (Splash)
SS4 MODRATEC SigScribe4 Railway Signal Interlocking Design Data File
SS5 MODRATEC SigScribe5 Railway Signal Interlocking Design Data File
SSA Video file (Sub Station Alpha)
SSD SAS database (Dos)
SSD Datafile (SAS/PC)
SSD01 SAS data sets (Unix)
SSF Spreadsheet file (Enable)
SSF Soundset files for Neverwinter Nights RPG
SSP Datafile (SAS Transport)
SSV Quake 2 Savegame File
ST Instrument library (Scream Tracker)
ST Disk Image file (Atari)
ST Stamp file (NeoPaint)
ST Source code file (Little SmallTalk)
STA Stack file (SpinMaker Plus)
STA Saved state (Reflection 4.0)
STB Stub library (Genus GX Kernel)
STD State transition diagram graphic file (Prosa)
STD Standard script file (LocoScript)
STD StarOffice Drawing Template
STE Standardized graphic exchange file format
STEP Standardized graphic exchange format
STF Compressed archive (SHRINKTOFIT)
STG Alphacet Strategy XML file
STL Stereolithography file
STM Music module (MOD) (Scream Tracker 2)
STM State transition diagram model file (Prosa)
STM Music file (Scream Tracker)
STM Shorter suffix for .shtml, an HTML file containing a server side include (SSI)
STO Pascal stub OBJ file (Genus GX Kernel)
STP Catia file
STP Standardized graphic exchange file format
STQ Text file (Statistica) (StatSoft Software)
STR Structure list OBJ file (dBase IV Application Generator)
STR Screensaver file
STS Song file (Music) (Scream Tracker)
STS Project status information file (Microsoft C/C++)
STT Taci Pixia palette file
STW 1.0 Text Document Template
STW Data file (SmartTerm for Windows)
STX Tax form (CA-Simply Tax)
STX Electronic book file (SmarText)
STY Style sheet (Generic text and graphics programs0
STY Style sheet (Ventura Publisher)
STY Audio file for Band-in-a-Box music generation software
SUE Lossless data compression and archival format from System Enhancement Associates (an alternative for ARC)
SUI Suit library (Simple User Interface Toolkit)
SUM Summary file (Generic)
SUN Rasterfile graphics (Sun)
SUP Supplementary dictionary files (WordPerfect for Windows)
SVD Autosave file for document (WordPerfect for Windows)
SVF Simple Vector Format 2D image (Microstation)
SVG Scalable vector graphics file (Adobe)
SVG Return To Castle Wolfenstein Savegame File
SVG Autosave file for glossary (WordPerfect for Windows)
SVP Graphics file (Sonique)
SVS Autosave file for style sheet (WordPerfect for Windows)
SVX Interchange file format, 8SVX/16SV
SVX Sound file (Amiga 8SVX)
SVY Database file (SAVVY/PC)
SW Raw signed Word (16bit) data
SWA Shockwave audio file in Macromedia Director (an MP3 file)
SWF Object (ShockWave Flash)
SWG Swag Packet file (SWAG Reader)
SWITCH Egress Software Technologies' container format for encrypted files
SWP Document backup file (Sprint)
SWP Swap file
SWP Swap file (DataCAD)
SXC OpenOfficeCalc file
SXD StarOffice Drawing
SXW 1.0 Text Document
SY1 Smartpix symbol library (Ami Pro)
SY3 Symbol file (Harvard

T Tape archive (TAR) (Without compression)
T Tester symbol file (ReaGeniX code generator)
T Source file (TADS)
T2T Modeling software file (Sonata CAD)
T44 Temporary file for sorting index (dBase IV)
T64 Emulator tape image file (Commodore 64)
TAB Guitar Tablature file
TAB Table file (MapInfo GIS)
TAG Query tag name file (DataFlex)
TAH Turbo assembler help file (Borland C++)
TAK Tom's lossless Audio Kompressor (TAK) audio compression file
TAL Text illustration file (TypeAlign)
TAR Compressed archive (TAR)
TAR Tape Archive
TAZ Compressed ASCII archive (TAR)
TAZ Compressed ASCII archive (COMPRESS)
TAZ Gzip/Tape archive (Unix)
TB1 Font file (Borland Turbo C)
TB2 Font file (Borland Turbo C)
TBF Fax document (Imavox TurboFax)
TBK Memo backup file (dBase IV)
TBK Memo backup file (Microsoft FoxPro)
TBK Toolbook file (Asymetrix Toolbook)
TBK Interactive multimedia files (Asymetrix Toolbook)
TBL Table of values (OS/2)
TBL Graphics (Native format) (Pagemaker TableEditor)
TBO Turbo Architecture Database (used by U.S. Federal Highway Administration's "Turbo Architecture" program)
TBS Text elements (Microsoft Word for Windows)
TBS TuneUp Utilities image file
TBX Table (Project Scheduler 4)
TC Configuration file (Borland C++)
TC Configuration file (Turbo C)
TCF Test Crafter File (storage file for tests developed in Cambridge UP software)
TCH Turbo C Help file (Borland C++)
TCL Script in the TCL/TK Language
TCW Drawing file (TurboCAD for Windows)
TD Configuration file (Turbo Debugger for DOS)
TD Microsoft Train Simulator terrain file
TD0 Disk image file (Teledisk)
TD2 Configuration file (Turbo Debugger for WIN32)
TD4 Saved track design (Roller Coaster Tycoon)
TDB Database file (TACT)
TDB Database file (Thumbs Plus)
TDB Database file for ACT! contact management software
TDF Typeface definition file (Speedo)
TDF Font file (TheDraw)
TDH Help file (Turbo Debugger0
TDK Keystroke recording file (Turbo Debugger)
TDS Symbol table (Turbo Debugger)
TDW Configuration file (Turbo Debugger for Windows)
TEF Fax document (Relisys TEFAX)
TEF TablEdit tablature file
TEL Hostfile (Telnet)
TEM Input template (IconAuthor)
TEM Turbo Editor Macro Language script (Borland C++)
TEX TEX text file (Scientific Word)
TEX Datasheet file (Idealist)
TEX Texture file
TF Configuration file (Turbo Profiler)
TFA Area file (Turbo Profiler)
TFC Catalogue file (Tobi's Floppy Disk Cataloguer)
TFH Help file (Turbo Profiler)
TFM TeX font metrics file (TeX)
TFM Tagged font metric file (TeX)
TFM Form file (Form Tool Gold)
TFS Statistics file (Turbo Profiler)
TFW ArcView World file for TIF image (GIS application)
TG1 Project file (On Target)
TGA Targa bitmap (Countour Mortgage Loan Format)
TGA Winpoint Loan file (Microsoft Excel)
TGA Targa bitmap (Adobe Acrobat,TrueVision)
TGL Totally Games Localization file used in gaming software.
TGQ Movie file (Dungeon Keeper 2) (Bullfrog Software)
TGV Video file (Electronic Arts) (Need for Speed I/II/III, NBA '96)
TGZ Gzip/Tape archive (Unix)
THAI Husquvania sewing machine file
THEME Desktop theme (Microsoft Windows 9.x)
THM Thumbnail image file (Microsoft Clip Gallery v.1.x)
THN Thumbnail (Graphics Workshop for Windows)
THS Thesaurus dictionary (WordPerfect for Windows)
TIB Disk imaging file for Acronis True Image backup and recovery program.
TIF Tag image bitmap file (TIFF)
TIFF Tag image bitmap file (TIFF)
TIG Map file (Tiger) (Used by the US Government to distribute Map files)
TIL Fuzzy Logic knowledge base file (Togai InfraLogic Fuzzy-C Compiler)
TIM Texture/Image file (Playstation)
TIS Tile set (MahJongg 3.0)
TJF backup files (VAXTPU Editor)
TLB Reference table (Bubble Editor)
TLB Text library (VAX)
TLB OLE type library files (Microsoft)
TLC Compiled tool command language source code file (Swat)
TLE Two-Line element set (NASA)
TLP Project timeline file (Microsoft Project)
TLX Data file (Trellix)
TMD TextMaker document from SoftMaker
TMF Tagged font metric file (WordPerfect for Windows)
TMO Ztg global optimizer default optimizer file (Zortech C++)
TMP Temporary file (Microsoft Windows) (ALL)
TMS Script file (Telemate)
TNV Data file (BitWare)
TOC Table of contents file (Eudora Mailbox)
TOC Adobe FrameMaker table of contents file
TOC User interface information file for massively multiplayer online role-playing game
TOL Image file (Kodak Photo Enhancer)
TORRENT BitTorrent file
TOS Self-Extracting archive (Atari ST)
TOS The Operation System for Atari line of 16/32 and 32/32 computers
TP Sesson-state file (Turbo Profiler)
TP Configuration file (Turbo Pascal)
TP3 Template file (Harvard Graphics)
TP4 Saved picture file (Roller Coaster Tycoon)
TPB Downloadable PCL Soft font file backup (HiJaak)
TPF Downloadable PCL Soft font file (HiJaak)
TPH Help file (Turbo Pascal)
TPL Template file (Harvard Graphics, Microsoft Access, Cakewalk Audio and others)
TPL Template file (DataCAD)
TPL Encrypted lesson file (TutorPro)
TPL Residents units library (Turbo Pascal)
TPP Protected mode units (Borland Pascal 7.0)
TPP Project file (Teleport Pro)
TPU Command file (VAXTPU Editor)
TPU Turbo Pascal Unit (Turbo Pascal)(BGI)
TPV Packed graphics file (TutorPro)
TPW Packed wave files (TutorPro)
TPW Turbo Pascal Unit (BGI) (Turbo Pascal for Windows 9.x)
TPW Session-state file (Turbo Profiler for Microsoft Windows)
TPX Image file (ULead Photo Express)
TPZ Compressed archive (GNUzip)
TPZ Compressed archive (TAR)
TR Session-state settings (Turbo Charge Debugger for DOS)
TR2 Session-state settings (Turbo Charge Debugger for Win32)
TRA Saved game file (Coaster)
TRC Debug support file (Power CTrace)
TRE Directory tree file (PC-Tools)
TRIF Tiled Raster Interchange Format
TRK Script file (Kermit)
TRM Terminal settings file (Microsoft Windows 3.x)
TRM Terminal file (Generic)
TRN Project usage log (MKS Source Integrity)
TRN Translation support file (Quattro Pro)
TRS Executable file (MicroGraphix)
TRW Session-state settings (Turbo Debugger for Windows)
TS HDTV sample file (Transport Stream MPEG-2 video stream)
TSH Broderbund Creatacard Transfer Project
TSK Compaq iPaq picture image
TST Printer test file (WordPerfect for Windows)
TSV Tab-separated values file
TTF TrueType font (Generic)
TTK Translation tool kit file (Corel Catalyst)
TTO Client access data specification file (AS/400) (Server to Client)
TUB Corel Paint Shop Pro Tube File
TUV Tutorial file (Many programs use this suffix for their tutorials) (Generic)
TV Table view settings (Paradox)
TV1 Overflow file above insert point in document 1 (WordPerfect for Windows)
TV2 Overflow file above insert point in document 2 (WordPerfect for Windows)
TV3 Overflow file above insert point in document 3 (WordPerfect for Windows)
TV4 Overflow file above insert point in document 4 (WordPerfect for Windows)
TV5 Overflow file above insert point in document 5 (WordPerfect for Windows)
TV6 Overflow file above insert point in document 6 (WordPerfect for Windows)
TV7 Overflow file above insert point in document 7 (WordPerfect for Windows)
TV8 Overflow file above insert point in document 8 (WordPerfect for Windows)
TV9 Overflow file above insert point in document 9 (WordPerfect for Windows)
TVF Table view settings (dBase IV)
TWD MindMapper Brainstorm and Visual Map file
TWF Data file (TABWorks)
TWW Template file (TagWrite)
TX8 MS-DOS text
TXB Encoded briefing file (Descent/D2)
TXF Compressed archive (FREEZE)
TXF Tax exchange format (Quicken and others)
TXF Compressed archive (TAR)
TXI Support file (TeX)
TXT ASCII text-formatted data
TXW Wave file (Yamaha TX16W)
TYM Time Stamp files (PageMaker 4.0)
TZ Old compression file (TAR), (COMPRESS)
TZB Compressed archive (Tar)

U Subsampled Raw YUV Image
UAP User agent profile (Used by wireless telephony applications)
UB Raw unsigned byte (8-bit) data
UC2 Compressed archive (UltraCompressor II)
UCN New compressed archive (UltraCompressor II)
UDB Off-line application file used with Rockwell’s Ultraware software
UDB Microsoft Works file
UDB PINO 3-Server File
UDB Windows 2000 Uniqueness Database File
UDF Image filter (Photostyler)
UDF User-Defined Function (Microsoft Excel)
UDW Raw unsigned doubleword (32-bit) data
UE2 Encrypted archive (UltraCompressor II)
UFO Object file (Ulead)
UG Drawing file (AutoCAD and others)
UHS Binary file (Universal Hint System)
UI User interface file (Sprint)
UI Espire source code (Geoworks UI Compiler)
UIF Long prompts for Microsoft Windows (WordPerfect for Windows)
UIH Espire header file (Geoworks UI Compiler)
UL Audio file (ULAW)
ULAW (CCITT G.711) audio (US Telephony)
ULD Uploaded file information (Procomm Plus)
ULT Music module (MOD) (UltraTracker)
UMB Backup file (archive) (MemMaker)
UNC Files and Settings Transfer Wizard Output Folder (Note: folder format)
UNI Datafile (Forcast Pro)
UNI UniMod music module (MOD) (MikMod)
UNX Text file (Unix specific information)
UPD Updated program data (dBase)
UPD Updated program data (Generic)
UPI Program file (ULead Photo Impact)
UPO Compiled updated datafile (dBase)
UPX Saved Image file (ULead Photo Express)
URF Universal radar format (Radar ViewPoint)
URL Internet shortcut file (Universal Resource Locator)
USA Unreal II Savegame File
USE Source Integrity file (MKS)
USP Printer font w/updated USACII extended character set (Pagemaker)
USR Audit trail file (Pro/Engineer)
USR User database file (Turbo C++)
USR User database file (Tour)
USR User database file
UU Compressed ASCII archive (UUDE/ENCODE)
UU UU-encoded file
UUE UU-encoded file
UUE Executable compressed ASCII archive (UUDE/ENCODE)
UW Raw unsigned 16-bit) datafile (Word)
UWF Wave file (UltraTracker)

V Main image input file (Vivid 2.0)
V Consistency check support file (ReaGeniX Code Generator)
V8 8-bit audio file (CoVox)
VAL Values list object file (dBase Application Generator)
VAL Asset management document (Milliplex OmniValue)
VAL Validity checks/referential integrity checks (Paradox for Windows)
VAN Animation file (VistaPro)
VAP Annotated speech file (Generic)
VAR ASCII text file for data dictionary (Sterling Software Groundworks, COOL Business Team Enterprise Model)
VAR Variable file (IconAuthor)
VBA VBase file
VBA Visual Basic file
VBP Project file (Microsoft Visual Basic)
VBR Remote automated registration file (Microsoft Visual Basic)
VBS Script file (Microsoft Visual Basic)
VBW Workspace file (Microsoft Visual Basic)
VBX Visual basic extension (Microsoft Visual Basic)
VBX Custom control file (Microsoft Visual Basic)
VC Spreadsheet (VisaCalc)
VC Include file with color definitions (Vivid 2.0)
VCB Visual COMMBasic or VCBasic macro definition (created with Outsideview)
VCE Unformatted voice file (Natural Microsystems) (NMS)
VCE Unformatted voice file (used by Cool Edit)
VCE Visual CertExam certification preparation exam file
VCF Virtual card file (Many programs use this extension)
VCF Configuration file; defines objects for use with Sense8's WorldToolKit (Vevi)
VCF Virtual card file (Netscape)
VCT Class library (Microsoft FoxPro) (MFC)
VCV ViewCave Video file
VCW Visual workbench information file (Microsoft Visual C++)
VCX Class library (Microsoft FoxPro)(MFC)
VDA Graphics image (Generic)
VDA Targa bitmap
VDR Drawing file (ComputerEasy Draw)
VDX Virtual device driver
VDX XML for Visio drawing file
VDX Vector graphic file
VEL 3D drawing file (CAD( (Ashlar)
VEW View file (Lotus Approach)
VEW View file (Clipper 5)
VF Vegas Movie Studio File
VFL Clip art file (PrintMaster Gold)
VFM Voting form (Voter)
VFN Voting form for customers (VFN)
VGA Video graphics array (Font type for display on a VGA Monitor)
VGA Video graphics array (Monitor type, also defines if your monitor is compliant with the new (1994) SVGA

(Super Video Graphics Array) (SVGA)
VGD Visual display driver ( Generic CADD)
VGR Graphics file (Ventura Publisher)
VHD Disk image file format used with Virtual Server and Hyper-V
VI Virtual Instrument file (National Instruments LABView)
VI Graphics file (Jovian Logic VI)
VI Variable Information file for Xerox's Freeflow software
VIC Graphics file (Vicar)
VID Screen device driver (Microsoft Word)
VID Bitmap graphics (YUV12C M-Motion Frame Buffer)
VID Bethesda video files (Terminator, Future Shock)
VID Shell monitor file (Microsoft DOS v.5)
VID Generic video file
VIF Khoros Visualisation image (SDSC Image Tool)
VIFF Khoros Visualisation image (SDSC Image Tool)
VIK Graphics Image (Viking)
VIR File identified as a virus-infected file by Norton AntiVirus and possibly others
VIS Graphics image file (VIS)
VIV Streaming video file (VivoActive)
VIZ dVS/dVISE file (Division)
VLB Library file (Corel Ventura)
VLM Drafting program file (Vellum, by Ashler)
VM Virtual memory file (Geoworks)
VMC Virtual memory configuration file (Adobe Acrobat Reader)
VMC virtual machine settings file for Microsoft Virtual PC
VMD On-line video file (Sierra) (Torin's Passage)
VMDK Virtual Machine Disk file for VMware virtual machines
VMF Font characteristics file (Ventura Publishing)
VMF Audio file (FaxWorks)
VML Vector markup language (used by Microsoft Office 2000)
VMS Text file with vms specific information
VNC Virtual Network Computing configuation file
VO Include file with object definiton (Vivid 2.0)
VOB Encrypted video and audio files used on current DVD's (Digital Video Disk)
VOC Audio file (Quartet)
VOC Audio file (generated by RCA digital voice recorder)
VOC Audio file (Creative Labs Sound Blaster)
VOF Object folder (VZ Programmer)
VOX Formatted voice file (Natural Microsystems) (NMS)
VOX Audio file (Talking Technology)
VOX Dialogic audio file coded using ADPCM
VP Publication (Ventura Publisher)
VPG Graphics image file (VPGraphics)
VQA Video files (Westwood Studios)
VQE VQ Locator file (Yamaha Sound)
VQF VQ file (Yamaha Sound) (possible emerging standard)
VQL VQ Locator file (Yamaha Sound)
VRF Configuration file (Oracle 7)
VRM Overlay file (Quattro Pro)
VRML A Virtual Reality Modeling Language file
VRP Project file (VXRexx)
VRS Video device driver (WordPerfect for Windows)
VS Include file w/surface definition (Vivid 2.0)
VSD Vector graphics drawing file for Microsoft Visio
VSL Download List file (GetRight)
VSM Simulation model (VisSim)
VSN A Windows 9x/NT ViruSafe version file; used to keep information about all the files in a directory; when a

file is accessed, information is compared with the VSN information to ensure that they match
VSP Data print file (Schedule Soft)
VSP Image sprite (SPX)
VSS Smartshapes image file (Shapeware Visio)
VSS Stencil file (Microsoft Visio)
VST Bitmap graphic file (TrueVison Vista)
VST Targa bitmap (Generic)
VSW Workspace file (Shapeware Visio)
VUE View file (dBase IV)
VUE View file (Microsoft FoxPro)
VUE Animation file (3D Studio)
VW Text file (Volkswriter)
VWP Audio plug-in (Voxware MetaVoice Toolkit)
VWP Audio MetaSound plug-in (VoxWare Audio Compression Toolkit version 2.02.61)
VWR File viewer (PC Tools)
VXD Virtual device driver for Windows systems

W Word chart file (APPLAUSE)
W30 Printer font (Ventura Publisher)
W30 Printer font (AST TurboLaser)
W31 Startup file (Microsoft Windows 3.1)
W3L W3Launch file
W44 Temporary file for Sort or Index (dBase)
WAB Outlook address book file (Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express)
WAD Large file for Doom game containing video, player level, and other information
WAL Texture file (Quake 2)
WAS Script source code file (Procomm Plus Aspect)
WAV Waveform sound (Microsoft Windows)
WAX Compiled script file (Procomm Plus Aspect)
WAX Internet shortcut file
WB1 Notebook (QuattroPro for Windows)
WB2 Spreadsheet (QuattroPro for Windows)
WB3 Text file (QuattroPro for Windows)
WBC Image file (Webshots)
WBF Batch file (Microsoft Windows 9.x)
WBK Backup file (Microsoft Word for Windows)
WBL Upload file (Argo Webload II)
WBR WordBar File (Crick Software)
WBT Wordbar template (Crick Software)
WBT Batch file (WinBatch)
WBZ WebShots image
WCD Macro token list file (WordPerfect for Windows)
WCF Webex Saved Chat File
WCM Data transmission file (Microsoft Works)
WCM Macro (WordPerfect fdor Windows)
WCP Product information description file (WordPerfect for Windows)
WD1 Word Express file
WD2 Database file (Info Select) by (Micro Logic)
WDB Database file (Microsoft Works)
WDF WebArt data file (database file that can be converted for use in many programs)
WDF ReliaSoft Weibull file for life data analysis software
WDG Warftpd remote daemon file
WDM Microsoft Visual InterDev98 templates Web Project Items file
WEB Web source code file
WEB Web document (Corel Zara)
WEBARCHIVE Safari Web archive file
WED FireFox bookmark backup file
WFB Bank file (Maui/Rio/Monterey) (Turtle Beack WaveFront)
WFD Audio waveform (WaveForm Manager Pro)
WFD Drum set (Maui/Rio/Monterey)(Turtle Beach WaveFront)
WFL Flowchart file (Winflow)
WFM Windows form (Virtual dBase)
WFN Symbol (Corel Draw)
WFP Program file (Turtle Beach WaveFront)(Maui/Rio/Monterey)
WFT Data file (NICOLET (Old Format), see NRF)
WFX Data file (WinFax)
WG1 Worksheet (Lotus 1-2-3/G)
WG2 Worksheet (Lotus 1-2-3 for O/S2)
WGP Data file (Wild Board Games)
WI Wavelet compressed bitmap (Corel)
WID Width table (Ventura Publisher)
WIF Wavelet image file (see WI)
WIL WinImage file
WIM Wireless identity module (Used by wireless application protocols)
WIN Window file (dBase)
WIN Window preference file (Pro/Engineer)
WIN Window file (Microsoft FoxPro)
WIRE Alias Wire CAD data file for Alias Studio Tools
WIRE Wavefront Studio Wireframe
WIZ Page wizard (Microsoft Publisher)
WIZ Wizard file (Microsoft Word)
WK1 Spreadsheet (Lotus 1-2-3 v. 1 and 2)
WK3 Spreadsheet (Lotus 1-2-3 v. 3)
WK4 Spreadsheet (Lotus 1-2-3 v. 4)
WKB Document file (WordPerfect for Windows)
WKE Spreadsheet (Lotus 1-2-3 Educational version)
WKQ Spreadsheet (Quattro Pro)
WKS Worksheet spreadsheet (Lotus 1-2-3)
WKS Spreadsheet file (Microsoft Works)
WKS Workspace file (Xlisp)
WKS Spreadsheet (Symphony 1.0)
WLF Upload file (Argo Upload I)
WLK Graphics file (Virtus Walkthrough)
WLL Add-In file (Microsoft)
WMA Audio file in Microsoft Windows Media format (Can be changed to ASF) Siren (Sonic Foundry)
WMC Macro file (WordPerfect for Windows)
WMC Text file (WordMARC)
WMC Backup files for startup (MathCAD for Windows)
WMF Metafile (Microsoft Windows)
WMV Windows Media Player visual/audio file
WMZ Windows Media Player skins file
WN Text file (NeXT WriteNow)
WNF Outline font description file (CorelDRAW)
WOA Swap file (Microsoft Windows 3.x)
WOC Organization chart (Microsoft Windows OrgChart)
WORKFLOW Automator workflow
WOW Music module (MOD) (Grave Composer)
WP Document file (WordPerfect for Windows)
WP4 Document (WordPerfect for Windows 4.0)
WP5 Document (WordPerfect for Windows 5.0)
WP6 Document (WordPerfect for Windows 6.0)
WPA Word processor document (ACT!)
WPD Document (WordPerfect for Windows)
WPD Demo file (WordPerfect for Windows) (ALL)
WPF Fax document (WorldPort)
WPF Form file (WordPerfect for Windows)
WPF Document (Enable)
WPG Graphics file (Microsoft Word for Windows)
WPG Microsoft Word for Windows vector graphics (DrawPerfect)
WPK Macro (Microsoft Word for Windows)
WPM Macro (Microsoft Word for Windows)
WPS MS Works Text Document
WPS Rockbox Theme
WPT Template (Microsoft Word for Windows)
WPW PerfectWorks document (Novell)
WQ! Compressed spreadsheet (QuattroPro)
WQ1 Spreadsheet (QuattroPro/DOS)
WQ2 Spreadsheet (QuattroPro version 5)
WR1 Spreadsheet (Symphony 1.1-2)
WR1 Symphony file (Lotus)
WRAP MediaForge (XMLAuthor) media content file
WRD Template (Charisma)
WRG ReGet document
WRI Write document (Windows Write)
WRK Spreadsheet (Symphony 1.0)
WRK Project file (CakeWalk Music Audio)
WRL Virtual Reality model
WRP 3D modeling file (Raindrop Geomagic) (Scandata)
WRP Compressed Amiga archive (WARP)
WRS Resource file (Microsoft Word for Windows)
WRZ Another VRML fileject
WS Text file (WordStar)
WS1 Document (WordStar for Windows version 1)
WS2 Document (WordStar for Windows version 2)
WS3 Document (WordStar for Windows version 3)
WS4 Document (WordStar for Windows version 4)
WS5 Document (WordStar for Windows version 5)
WS6 Document (WordStar for Windows version 6)
WS7 Document (WordStar for Windows version 7)
WSD Document (WordStar for Windows 2000)
WSP WorkSpace file (Fortran PowerStation)
WSP Sharepoint solution file
WST Document (WordStar for Windows)
WSZ Skin (WinAmp)
WTA Used by wireless telephony applications
WV WavPack lossless compressed audio file
WVL Wavelet Compressed Bitmap
WVW Interleaf WorldView format (a PDF format)
WWB Button bar for document window (WordPerfect for Windows)
WWK Keyboard layout file (WordPerfect for Windows)
WWL Add-in file (Microsoft Word)
WXD Music resource file (Relic Entertainment)(Home World)
WXP Document file (EXP for Microsoft Windows)

X Source code file (Lex)
X AVS image (SDSC Image Tool)
X01 Secondary index file (Paradox)
X02 Secondary index file (Paradox)
X03 Secondary index file (Paradox)
X04 Secondary index file (Paradox)
X05 Secondary index file (Paradox)
X06 Secondary index file (Paradox)
X07 Secondary index file (Paradox)
X08 Secondary index file (Paradox)
X09 Secondary index file (Paradox)
X16 Macromedia Extra (program extension), 16 bit
X32 Macromedia Extra (program extension), 32 bit
XAR Corel Xara drawing
XAR Microsoft Excel auto-save files
XBM A MIME 'X11" bitmap image
XCF GIMP document
XCI XML Configuration Information (Adobe enterprise forms product)
XDL XML Schema file
XDP Label file using Avery DesignerPro Label Design)
XEF XGenics eManager XML form and data for eManager
XEM XGenics eManager Metered units / credit definition for forms/file usage in eManager
XEP XGenics eManager File packaging / unpacking information for eManager components
XES XGenics eManager XML definition for UI skins
XET XGenics eManager XML definition for eManager process
XEV XGenics eManager File download definition for autoupdate and delivery of new procedures
XEZ XGenics eManager Template package for eManager
XFD Acu4GL/ACUCOBOL extended file description (from Acucorp)
XFN Printer font file (Ventura Publisher)
XFN Printer font file (Xerox)
XFT XML Forms Template (from Adobe enterprise forms products such as Adobe Forms Designer)
XFT Printer font file (24 Pin) (ChiWriter)
XFX Fax Document (Various)
XHTML eXtensible hypertext markup language
XI Instrument file (FastTracker II)
XI Instrument sample file (ScreamTracker)
XIF Image file (Xerox) (same as TIF)
XIF Image file (Pagis)
XIF Image file eXtended (ScanSoft) the file is similar to TIFF and is a (Pagis) native format
XIF Wang imaging file (Included with Windows 95)
XLA Archive (Xlib)
XLA Add-in file (Microsoft Excel)
XLB Datafile (Microsoft Excel)
XLB Toolbar file (Microsoft Excel)
XLC Chart file (Microsoft Excel)
XLD Dialogue file (Microsoft Excel)
XLK Backup file (Microsoft Excel)
XLL Dynamic link library (Microsoft Excel)
XLL Add-in file (Microsoft Excel)
XLM Macro file (Microsoft Excel)
XLR Microsoft Works spreadsheet or chart
XLS Worksheet file (Microsoft Excel)
XLSX Microsoft Excel Open XML Document
XLT Translation table (Lotus 1-2-3)
XLT Translation table (Symphony)
XLT Translation table (Procomm Plus)
XLT Template file (Microsoft Excel)
XLV VBA module (Microsoft Excel)
XLW Workbook (Microsoft Excel)
XM Music module (MOD) (Fast Tracker 2)
XMI Compressed midi music (eXtended)
XML eXtensible markup language
XMOD Model file (Monarch Pro – Datawatch)
XMPZ XML Miradi Project Zipfile
XNF Network file (Standard)
XNK Shortcut file (Microsoft Exchange)
XON Datafile (Axon)
XPM Adobe Extensible Metadata Platform file format
XPRJ Project file (Monarch Pro – Datawatch)
XQT Macro file (SuperCalc)
XQT Executable file (Waffle)
XR1 Data file (Epic Megagames Xargon)
XRF Cross-reference file (Generic)
XSX Schema view layout description file (Microsoft XML Designer)
XTB External translation table (LocoScript)
XTP Data file (Xtree)
XWD X Window Dump format (SDSC Image Tool)
XWF Works file (Yamaha XG) (MIDI sequencing)
XWK Keyboard mapping file (Crosstalk)
XWP Text file (Xerox Writer)
XWP Session file (Crosstalk)
XWS Xara Webstyle Graphic
XX Compressed ASCII archive (XXENCODE)
XXE Compressed ASCII archive (XXENCODE)
XXX Singer XL embroidery design file
XY Text file (XYWrite)
XY3 Document file (XYWrite III)
XY4 Document file (XYWrite IV)
XYP Document file (XYWrite III Plus)
XYW Document file (XYWrite for Windows 4.x)

Y Compressed Amiga archive (YABBA)
Y Grammar file (Yaac)
Y01 Secondary index file (Paradox)
Y02 Secondary index file (Paradox)
Y03 Secondary index file (Paradox)
Y04 Secondary index file (Paradox)
Y05 Secondary index file (Paradox)
Y06 Secondary index file (Paradox)
Y07 Secondary index file (Paradox)
Y08 Secondary index file (Paradox)
Y09 Secondary index file (Paradox)
YBK Yearbook file (Microsoft Encarta)
YUV Graphics file (YUV)
YZ Compressed file archive (YAC)

Z Unix file Compressed
Z Compressed ASCII archive (COMPRESS)
Z3 Game module (Infocom)
ZAP Compressed file (FileWrangler)
ZAP Software installation settings file (Microsoft Windows)
ZAP Zone Alarm Pro data file
ZDG Compressed text document (Zview)
ZER Data file (Zerberus)
ZGM Graphics file (ZenoGraphics)
ZIP Zip file Compressed archive
ZLT ZoneAlarm Mailsafe Renamed .URL File (Zone Labs)
ZOM Compressed Amiga archive (ZOOM)
ZOO An early compressed file format
ZVD Voice file (Zyxel Z-Fax)

000 Data file (GEOWorks)
000-20009 Used to number old (backup) versions of files (for example, CONFIG.SYS when changed by an

installation program); also used to number related data files for multiple users of a small-scale PC application
001-999 Database index files used by (Superbase)
113 Backup data file (Iomega Backup)
1ST Documenting wizard list (Microsoft Visual FoxPro)
3DR 3DMark Benchmark File
7z 7-Zip open source file archive format with high compression ratio
8 Source file (Assembly) (Similar to Microsoft Assembler)
netCDF Network Common Data Form

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