Sunday, May 6, 2012

Tips for Safe Internet Surfing

The Internet is the World Wide Web on which there are millions of Websites. But it is not necessary that all Websites are much Safe.

There are are more then half of all Websites which are not Safe. 

But we still Surf them unknowingly and sometimes unluckily we are harmed from them in the way like our Computer, Laptop or other Surfing Device got Infected or Destroyed. As it is not that easy to detect that which Website is Safe or which is harmfull, therefore we can follow some Tips to protect ourself while Internet Surfing.

So here are some Tips for Safe Internet Surfing.


1) Enable Pop Up Blocker. Nearly 90% of Websites
 use Pop Up windows on there Websites.
These Pop Ups may contain Advertisements, 
Data Feeders, Mostly Fake Subscriptions,  
Spam or Unwanted Informations etc.
So to get rid of such Pop Ups We recommend
that you Enable the Pop Up Blocker in your Web Browser.

2) Increase Security Parameters. We often reduces the Security Level in our Browser thinking that this Practice would not Block or make the Content Invisible of any Website But this is just a myth. As if the Website's Content is Secure and is Trust Worthy then it couldnot be hidden from any Firewall or Browser. So we recommend that the Security Level should be at Medium or Moderate Level.

3) Think before Clicking. As we have discussed that not all Websites are Safe and Obviously there Links may also be not Safe. So before Clicking on any Link on Website. firstly Read, Think and then only Click on it.


4) Defend Yourself. This pratice proves to be best from all. As this Tip would not only help you in Safe Surfing but also Protect your Computer from harmfull effects of the Unsafe Website. So we recommend that you should Install the best and Lite Antivirus on your Computer which would also help in making Computer.


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