Sunday, August 26, 2012

Computer Users: Focus on Exercise for your Eyes

Computer Users: Focus on Exercise for your Eyes

In this day and age most of us spend our working lives looking at a computer screen. Unfortunately, this has a detrimental effect not only on our health but also on our eyes. However, this need not be the case. We take care of our bodies with regular workouts and we can do the same for our eyes. The good news is with a few simple exercises which only take a few minutes of our time each day, we can help prevent our eyesight from deteriorating.

Why not try the following and see an improvement?

Take regular breaks and blink frequently

We all know that we should not sit at our desks for long periods and make an effort to get up and walk about every hour but many people do not realise the benefits of blinking. This will moisten the eyes acting similar to the refresh button on the computer screen and so dramatically reducing eye strain. Since research has shown that computer users tend to blink less especially when focusing intently so it is imperative you train yourself to blink every 3-4 seconds.

Focusing near and far

With extensive computer use we are not varying the focal length of our eyes regularly. To remedy this, after a period of looking at your screen, focus on an object 10 – 20 feet away from you and then focus back on your screen. Repeat this at 5 second intervals for around 30 seconds. Do this every hour and over time you will strengthen your eye muscles. If you are a heavy computer user then you may wish to consider using two computer screens positioned at varying focal lengths. This will ensure that you are constantly varying your focal length and so exercising your eyes.

Zooming in and out

Practice this simple exercise and you will reap the benefits. Hold an object at arm’s length and focus on it, gradually move the object closer till it is about 3 inches from your face. Still focusing move the object back to arm’s length. Repeat this for a few minutes each day.

Figure of Eight

For a strenuous workout imagine a six foot figure of eight lying sideways. Keep your head still and trace the figure of eight with your eyes once in a clockwise direction and once in an anticlockwise direction. Repeat this several times in the day to improve your eyes’ flexibility.


At the end of a busy day, and having completed the above exercise regime, sit comfortably on your chair with your elbows resting on your desk. Place each hand over each eye with the cup of your palm covering your eyes, your fingers on your forehead and the heel of your hand resting on your cheekbone. Do not put too much pressure on your eyes as you must be able to blink freely. Breathe deeply and relax, this will allow you to rest your mind and eyes. You will be surprised how by much difference this will make to relieve stress and relax your eyes.

Have fun with these exercises and you may not be able to throw away your glasses or skip that much needed eye test but you will notice a marked difference!

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